The woman surnamed Lian is a visually impaired person. She took her guide dog to go out and eat with friends, and was arranged to sit outside by the store.

(provided by the public)

[Reporter Cai Yunrong/Yilan Report] A woman surnamed Lian in the south is a visually impaired person. On March 31, she went to Yilan with her friends and went to a well-known Xiaolongbao restaurant to consume. Guide dogs eat at an outdoor table.

Lian Nv said frankly that she was a little frustrated and sad.

The store said that it was the first time I encountered a guide dog, and I didn't know the relevant regulations, which caused the guests to feel uncomfortable. I am very sorry and will not do it again in the future.

The county government stated that if it is true, the store will be asked to improve within a time limit, and a fine of more than 10,000 yuan and less than 50,000 yuan will be fined for another offense.

Nv Lian and several friends traveled from the south to Yilan for 3 days. Among them, Nv Lian is a visually impaired person with a guide dog.

Lian Nv said that when she went to eat at the Xiaolongbao restaurant, the shopkeeper said "dogs are not allowed in" and "pets are not allowed in". She told the other party that this is a guide dog, a working dog, not a pet dog. I just can't get in," and offered her an outdoor seat.

Lian Nv said that she holds a qualified dog use certificate and a qualified guide dog work certificate. Most of the businesses are friendly, but occasionally, she feels sad and frustrated when encountering businesses that block entry.

The store apologizes: I don't understand the relevant regulations

The store owner admitted that what Lian said was true, but it was at noon and there were many customers in the store. Seeing the big dog, he thought that there was more space for outdoor seating, so asking her to sit outside might make her uncomfortable. ; Over the past 20 years since it opened, this is the first time I encountered a guide dog. I didn't understand the relevant regulations, which caused discomfort to the guests. "I'm really sorry, we will improve."

The Social Affairs Department of the county government stated that guide dogs are performing official duties and are not ordinary pets. It is a pity that this happened. According to Article 60, Item 1 of the Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Disabled, the visually impaired shall not be denied entry and exit with a guide dog. Public, business places, public transportation, etc., will clarify the incident to the store owner. If the above-mentioned behavior is true, the store owner will be asked to improve within a time limit in accordance with Article 100 of the same law. If there is no improvement, a fine of 10,000 to 50,000 can be issued .