Even if Western partners do not deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine, they may appear as a result of domestic developments.

This opinion was expressed in an exclusive interview

with TSN.ua by

Volodymyr Badiyan, an astrologer and specialist in the Vastu-shastra architectural planning system.

According to him, the world is undergoing a "strategic reformatting", during which the United States is expanding its hegemony against the background of "preoccupied" Europe. 

At the same time, the astrologer claims, Belarus is very interested in nuclear weapons being placed on its territory. 

Under such a situation, Volodymyr Badiyan predicts that even if the Western partners do not give Ukraine nuclear weapons, other options will appear, "research will be conducted." 

"We will definitely have tactical [nuclear] weapons.

Perhaps we will come to this ourselves.

This is a matter of one or two years," he predicted.

Astrology, tarology, numerology, fortune-telling, divination, fortune-telling, psychics are not sciences, and predictions do not always come true 100%.

Information is quite often of an entertaining nature, so it should not be taken seriously, but only as a probability of events that every person can become the creator of if he has the strength of spirit and inspiration to change his life for the better.

We will remind you that earlier it was reported that there will be significant changes in the whole world and a new era will come - such a forecast was made by astrologer Olga Medvetska.

Read also:

  • What Ukraine will be like after the war: the astrologer predicted a radical change of power and restoration

  • When the war will end in Ukraine and whether there will be "cotton" in Moscow: the forecast of the famous astrologer Vlad Ross

  • China will seize the territories of Russia: the numerologist said when and exactly which ones