Remember the limited amount of feeding

No matter where you grow tomatoes - in the garden or in the greenhouse - you should not feed the plant too much in the desire to get a bigger harvest.

Experts recommend feeding tomatoes even on the poorest soil no more than once every 14 days.

If the plants have enough, you can even not apply fertilizers.

Ideally, there should be enough "quality" soil fertilization before planting seedlings.

For the entire period of fruiting, tomatoes need to be fed about 3-4 times.

However, additional procedures can be added as needed.

The condition of the plant is the best guide for feeding

If you are growing tomatoes for the first time and do not yet know how often you need to feed them, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the bushes and how they grow.

Tomatoes are such a plant that will clearly signal its problems at every stage of the growing season.

If the seedling has a normal appearance, the leaves are green, it grows actively, the plant blooms, and then quickly sets fruits - tomatoes have enough of those substances that are in the soil.

But any deviations from the norm indicate a lack of fertilizers:

  • Chlorosis, curling and lightening of leaves, small leaves, small fruits, stunted growth -

    lack of nitrogen


    And when this substance is too much, the plant will grow too much, but will not bear fruit.

  • The leaves turn purple, roll up, the tomatoes themselves stop growing -

    a lack of phosphorus


  • The leaves become small, wrinkled, their color fades or becomes variegated -

    lack of potassium


  • In any state of the plant, it should be remembered that tomatoes need nitrogen during the growth stage, but potassium and phosphorous - when the period of flowering and fruiting begins.

    How to feed tomatoes after planting

    How to feed tomatoes after planting / Photo: Pexels

    Immediately after planting, you should not disturb the plants.

    During this period, it is recommended to water them for the first time only after 7-10 days.

    So they will adapt to a new place faster and start growing roots.

    And the first feeding of tomatoes should be started no earlier than after 14 days.

    And only if the soil preparation was not carried out or the plants have a weak appearance.

    How to feed tomatoes after planting?

    The following mineral fertilizers are suitable:

    • nitroamofoska (weak solution) - for 10-15 bushes you need one bucket of water and 1 tablespoon of fertilizer;

    • a solution of self-mixed fertilizers - you can add 15 g of potash, 25 g of nitrogen, 40 g of phosphate fertilizers to one bucket of water (water in the amount of 600-700 ml per bush).

    You can also use a bio-alternative to mineral fertilizers:

    • "green" fertilizer from nettle weeds, dandelions and siderats - the bucket should be filled with crushed plants to a third, filled with water, tightly covered with a lid and left for 10 days (after fermentation, a fermented infusion is prepared from the mixture in a ratio of 1:10);

    • organic fertilizers + yeast - how to feed tomatoes with yeast: a handful of ashes, 500 g of chicken manure or manure, 300 g of milk whey, 100 g of yeast, several kg of crushed dandelion or nettle pour 10 liters of water and insist for 14 weeks (the sweat is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 10);

    • chicken droppings or manure - an infusion of manure or chickens diluted in water (proportion 1:10).

    You can also use ready-made biofertilizers sold in specialized stores.

    All these folk remedies can be used together with mineral fertilizers to improve the result.

    If you notice that the growth of tomatoes has stopped, feeding can be repeated after 2 weeks.

    How to feed tomatoes during the second flowering period

    How to feed tomatoes during the second flowering period / Photo:

    When the second bouquet with flowers began to actively develop on the bushes, tomatoes need phosphorus and potassium.

    If these resources are not enough in the soil, it is necessary to apply fertilizers.

    During this period, the following mineral fertilizers should be used:

    • double superphosphate and potassium sulfate - for 10 liters of water you need 1 tablespoon of the first and 1 teaspoon of the second (this should be enough for 10 bushes);

    • special microfertilizers for tomatoes - here you should carefully read the instructions from the manufacturer.

    The following folk remedies can be a great bio-alternative to mineral fertilizers:

    • chicken droppings or manure - per 10 liters of water;

    • organic fertilizers + yeast - you will need a handful of ashes, 500 g of chicken manure or manure, 300 g of whey, 100 g of yeast, several kg of crushed dandelion or nettle, pour 10 liters of water and insist for 14 weeks (the sweat is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10);

    • infusion of ashes - dilute 2 glasses in 10 liters of water and leave for 2 days, filter before use;

    • decoction of onion peel - for 2 liters of water you need 1 liter of onion peel, which is boiled for 10-15 minutes, filtered and diluted in a bucket of water;

    • infusion of banana peels - for 1 liter of water you need to finely chop 2-3 peels, infuse for 2-3 days;

    • special biofertilizers - breed according to the instructions.

    How else to feed tomatoes with yeast?

    Make yeast starter.

    Take 100 g of dry or fresh yeast in a bucket of warm water, add sugar and dilute the mixture with water after fermentation (ratio 1:5).

    How to feed tomatoes during the period of appearance of the first fruits

    How to feed tomatoes during the period of pouring the first fruits / Photo: Pexels

    When the first fruits begin to appear, you need to think about the last feeding of tomatoes.

    It will help to increase the stress resistance of the plant, protect it from diseases and satisfy the need for trace elements.

    During this period, tomatoes need boron and magnesium fertilization.

    The following mineral fertilizers can be used:

    • a complex mixture of fertilizers (for example, nitrofoska) - for 2 square meters of the bed, you need to take 1 tablespoon of fertilizer and 10 liters of water;

    • potassium-phosphorus mixture - take 6 g of fertilizer and 1 liter of water for 1 bush;

    • microfertilizers for tomatoes - read the instructions from the manufacturer.

    There are also bioalternatives that you can use in your garden or in a greenhouse:

    • a solution of milk and iodine - you need 1 liter of milk and 10 drops of iodine per bucket of water, foliar feeding (1 liter of fertilizer per 1 bush);

    • infusion of marigolds, dandelions, garlic and other green fertilizers - spicy and insecticidal plants are best suited.

    How to feed tomatoes during active fruiting and whether it is necessary to do it

    How to feed tomatoes when they are already bearing fruit / Photo: Pexels

    It is necessary to feed tomatoes during this period only if there is a real need for feeding.

    That is, when plants lack resources from the soil.

    It is also worth remembering that feeding must be stopped a few weeks before harvesting.

    For feeding, use the same means as during the period of the beginning of fruiting.