When to celebrate Saint Cyril's Day?

Cyril's name day in 2023 according to the Orthodox calendar is celebrated on:

January 31, February 17, 27, March 18, 22, 31, April 3, 11, May 11, 17, 23, 24, June 3, 22, 30, July 22, August 15 , September 19, October 11, 23, November 11, 20, December 15 and 21


As a child, Kirill grows up as a rather obedient boy who easily communicates with adults.

But it is difficult for a child to find a common language with his peers.

He does not allow to be written off on tests, he likes when teachers praise him.

In adulthood, Kirill becomes such a strong personality that many people find it difficult to be close to him.

Due to purposefulness, he grows quickly in his career.

Congratulations on the Day of the angel Cyril in your own words

Kirill, I congratulate you on the Day of the Angel.

May happiness and luck await you in life, may your path be bright and successful, may your soul rejoice in life, and may your heart sincerely love and do good deeds.

Congratulations on the Day of the Archangel Cyril


Happy Angel's Day, Kirill.

Let your winged protector protect you from bad weather, from unnecessary sadness, from stupid ideas, from bad people, from evil days.

May happiness and love always reign in your life, and may your path be strewn with stars of luck and hope.

Congratulations on the Day of the Archangel Cyril



Happy Angel Day!

I wish that your bodyguard will always be with you, protect and take care of you.

May happiness and love, respect and care always accompany you in life!

I wish you sincerity, lots of joy and surprises!

Congratulations on the Day of the Archangel Cyril


Dear Kirill.

I congratulate you on the Day of the Angel and wish you to always meet the new day with a smile.

May all wishes come true, and faith in the best accompany you through life.

May your guardian angel always be by your side and protect you from all bad things.

Congratulations on the Day of the Archangel Cyril


Happy Angel's Day to you, Kirill.

I want to wish that your path will always be illuminated by goodness and happiness, that there will be a lot of joy and love in life, that success and luck await you in your work, that luck and well-being will be your faithful companions.


Dear Kirill.

I congratulate you on a joyful and bright day, on the Day of the Angel.

May your guardian always protect you from troubles in this life and envious eyes, may your soul always be full of love and happiness, may there be an incredible miracle in your every day, may your character always remain cheerful and light.

Congratulations on the Day of the Archangel Cyril


Dear Kirill.

Happy Angel Day.

I want to wish you sincere and true happiness, good and unchanging character, great and indomitable success, unreal and great luck, strong and very strong health.

May your angel protect you all your life.

Congratulations on the Day of the Archangel Cyril



On the Day of your Angel Cyril, I would like to wish you that your bright, joyful life is filled with love for others, happiness, and well-being.

Let loved ones always make you happy, friends will be near you and everything in life turns out well.

Congratulations on the Day of the Archangel Cyril


On the Day of the Archangel Cyril, I would like to wish peace and well-being.

I wish you first place in life, good luck on any life path.

May not only this holiday be bright, but also all your days, may your heart rejoice and give love to loved ones.

May the good angel protect your house from all evil.

Congratulations on the Day of the Archangel Cyril


Dear Kirill.

Happy Angel Day!

On this holiday, I wish you to always find the strength to lend a helping hand to those in need and to meet more kind and sensitive people like you on your life's path.

May harmony and love reign in your soul!

Congratulations on the Day of the angel Cyril: poems

May on the day of your saint,

The angel of strength will add to everything,

So that life is not gray,

Let him add strength and faith,

Victory at every step

Reach without hesitation

Happy Angel Cyril's Day,

Accept greetings!

Congratulations on the Day of the Archangel Cyril


Your name is Cyril, solid as a rock,

On which, your patron built,

Christ's Church, which has stood for ages,

And for which he stood to the end.

So also always be determined,

So that an angel inspires you

In all deeds and good undertakings,

Always helped you.

Live with love for people,

And this love will be returned to you,

Health, joy of the soul,

It will last for many years!

Congratulations on the Day of the Archangel Cyril


Early in the morning, before sunrise

The angel was knocking on the window

And told me the news

It's Kirill's name day!

I wish you: quiet starry nights,

Blue or brown or gray eyes,

And the happiness of the limitless, the happiness of man,

There is only one person to love in life!!!

Congratulations on the Day of the Archangel Cyril


I will pray for Cyril to all the angels in the world

And I will ask for an ear of corn in the ripe rye,

And I will ask for health and happiness for you,

The joys of the bright, blue sky.

I only ask for faith and strength for you,

So that troubles do not sweep you away, do not cut you down.

I will ask for the strength to shout and steel for you,

So that everyday worries on the road are left behind.

I will pray for you to all the angels in the world,

May they give you long and bright years.

Congratulations on the Day of the Archangel Cyril


Kirill has a holiday now,

Many friends came.

There are flowers and gifts,

And hugs and kisses.

But the main thing is that

To continue to this house

Fate smiled sincerely,

May Hope and Faith live,

And Love spread its wings,

She warmed every heart here.


There are many holidays in the world.

Name day is also a holiday -

The cutest of all:

Gifts and cake —

Everything, Cyril, everything is for you.

An angel looks in from heaven

On your merry holiday

And as if he wants to remind

What a saint you have

By name, like yours.

He protects you

Loves and warns:

Be kind to people and God,

Do not shun your saint -

And every day has its own birthday

Celebrate with him.

Congratulations on the Day of the Archangel Cyril


Let Kirill have a long life

The heavenly stars are setting,

And your guardian angel

May it be with you always!

So that you feel every moment

Sincere protection of the Mother of God.

May God bless you from heaven

Happiness, health and long life.

Congratulations on the Day of the Archangel Cyril


Kirill has a holiday now,

Many friends came.

There are flowers and gifts,

And hugs and kisses.

But the main thing is that

To continue to this house

Fate smiled sincerely,

May Hope and Faith live,

And Love spread its wings,

She warmed every heart here.

Congratulations on the Day of the Archangel Cyril


May the Angel always protect

Don't let trouble know you

Let grief run away from you with all its might,

So that you can live peacefully for a hundred years.

May joy, happiness and success,

Good luck, tenderness, good laughter,

In life you will always be met,

They don't leave on a cloudy day!

Congratulations on the Day of the Archangel Cyril


My beloved, my heart,

How happy you are - we are both happy,

If you're sad, I won't laugh either

For you, every evening I pray:

Хай Господь Бог тебе з небес благословляє,

Шле добру долю, та у всьому помагає,

А ангел-покровитель запалить твою зорю,

З Днем Ангела Кирил, я тебе люблю!

Привітання з Днем ангела Кирила: смс

День Ангелів в році є дуже багато,

Та ось День Кирила сьогодні прийшов,

Бажаю зла тобі не знати,

Та щастя скарб, щоб ти в житті знайшов.

Привітання з Днем ангела Кирила


В день Ангела бажаю я любові

І від душі успішних перемог,

Натхнення, щастя світлого, здоров’я

І хай тебе оберігає Бог!

Привітання з Днем ангела Кирила


Щоб Ваше здоров’я, як кремінь було,

Щоб щастя сімейне його берегло,

Щоб радість завжди була на порозі,

А лихо в далекій і вічній дорозі.

Хай поруч з Вами Ангел Ваш летить,

Убереже від біди Вас повсюди,

Нехай несе Вам радість кожна мить,

І благодать Господня лиш з Кирилом буде.

Привітання з Днем ангела Кирила


В День Ангела, Кирил, бажаю я любові

І від душі успішних перемог,

Натхнення, щастя світлого, здоров’я,

І хай тебе оберігає Бог!

Привітання з Днем ангела Кирила


Хай ангел життя твоє оберігає,

Біда нехай тебе не знає,

Хай горе від тебе біжить,

Друзі нехай не кривдять.

І що б усім ворогам на зло

Тобі завжди у всьому везло!


Нехай під крилами своїми

твій ангел береже тебе,

Дарує лиш приємні миті,

і долю добру хай пошле!

Привітання з Днем ангела Кирила


Хай Ангел простелить квіти прекрасні

На довгій життєвій стежині.

Хай тануть у серці щастя й кохання

І радістю повниться кожна година!

З днем Ангела

Привітання з Днем ангела Кирила


Хай Ангел на іменини

Здійснить всі бажання,

Несе щастя щохвилини,

Успіх й процвітання.

Радістю життя вквітчає

І додасть здоров’я,

Мудрістю благословляє,

Добром і любов’ю!

Привітання з Днем ангела Кирила


В день Ангела бажаю я любові

І від душі успішних перемог,

Натхнення, щастя світлого, здоров’я

І хай тебе оберігає Бог!

Привітання з Днем ангела Кирила


Хай Ангел на іменини

Здійснить всі бажання!

Несе щастя щохвилини,

Успіх й процвітання!

Радістю життя квітчає,

Та додасть здоров’я,

Мудрістю благословляє,

Добром і любов’ю!