In order to relieve the boredom of the fans waiting for the train, Lin Zhongming, the station master of Gaojie Qiaotou, sang on the platform.

(Photo by reporter Li Huizhou)

[Reporter Ge Youhao/Kaohsiung Report] "The Singer Delayed by the MRT" became a blockbuster!

After the BLACKPINK and Mayday concerts, Lin Zhongming, the head of Gaojie Qiaotou, sang on the platform in order to relieve the boredom of the fans waiting for the train. service!"

Lin Zhongming has worked in Gaojie Company for fifteen years, four years as a train driver and eleven years as a station attendant. His famous song is Jacky Cheung's "Blue Rain". The main reason why he chose this song to sing at the station is because the lyrics Oh... take the earliest train", which is in line with the impression of Shuyun. I hope passengers can take the earliest train and return home early.

After the BLACKPINK concert on March 18th, the MRT R17 World Games Station also opened an encore venue. Lin Zhongming, who was transferred from Qiaotou Station to support him, brought a song by Andy Lau on the spot in order to alleviate the negative emotions of fans waiting for the bus. "Lone Star Tears" even imitated Andy Lau's classic hand gestures, making the fans waiting for the bus applaud and scream.

The scene was repeated last night (29th). After the Mayday concert, tens of thousands of "five fans" poured into the World Games Station. Lin Zhongming also picked up the microphone and sang "The Moon Represents My Heart" and "Blue Rain" Song, his singing voice is strong, and his singing and writing are excellent. He shook hands while singing. When he finished singing, he said: "Thank you for waiting patiently. We will sing as long as the car is still coming!" It caused the audience to burst into laughter.

Chen Qimai from Kaohsiung City praised Lin Zhongming for his creativity and good singing, "When the concert is over, we will help him hold a concert!" He sings again!"