Jiang Zhaoguo hopes that the six districts of the Central City will conduct direct primary election polls.

(Photo by reporter Su Jinfeng)

[Reporter Su Jinfeng/Taichung Report] The Central Nomination Strategy Group of the Democratic Progressive Party invited Jiang Zhaoguo, Huang Shouda and He Kunlin, who registered for election as legislators in the 6th constituency of Central, West and Southeast District of Zhongshi City, to exchange views. Whether to use internal polls or direct primary elections. Both Jiang Zhaoguo and Huang Shouda hope to conduct direct primary election polls. He Kunlin said that both are acceptable, and the strategy team may coordinate again.

The Democratic Progressive Party Strategy Group for the Legislative Primary Election is coordinating constituencies with more than 2 people. This evening, 3 registrants from the 6th constituency of Central City were invited to solicit opinions. For the election, can the internal polls be conducted first, and if the internal polls are too weak, whether to withdraw from the election or directly poll the primary election.

Jiang Zhaoguo said that the exchange of opinions this time was an exchange of opinions between the three registrants individually with the strategy group. The group asked whether to adopt internal polls or direct primary polls first. He expressed his hope for direct primary polls, but internal polls were not He did not express any objection, because today is an individual exchange of views, and he hopes that if coordination is required, the three of them should meet together for coordination.

Huang Shouda said that he personally hopes to directly poll the primary elections and reach a consensus as soon as possible to keep this seat.

He Kunlin said that both are acceptable to abide by the party's rules of the game, and he also proposed that Huang Guoshu be included in the polls, but the strategy group did not respond.

Huang Shouda said that the six constituencies of Central City hope to direct the polls in the primary election.

(Photo by reporter Su Jinfeng)

He Kunlin said that both internal polls and primary polls are acceptable.

(Photo by reporter Su Jinfeng)