Yan Kuan-heng, a former legislator who has registered for the party primary election, was searched. Today, the prosecutor told him to pay 10 million yuan in bail. The Kuomintang Taichung Party Headquarters emphasized that the nomination of legislators will not be affected.

(Photo by reporter Su Mengjuan)

[Reporter Su Mengjuan/Taichung Report] Yan Kuanheng, a former legislator, completed the election registration of the Kuomintang Taichung City Legislative Committee just last week. Yesterday, it was reported that he was investigated and searched for the illegal construction of the Shalu mansion. Today, he paid 10 million yuan in bail; Yan Wenzheng pointed out that this incident does not affect the nomination of legislators. After the relevant work is completed and the nomination group meeting is held, the list of legislators will be submitted to the Central Party Headquarters.

Yan Kuan-heng just completed the registration of the form for the 2nd constituency of the Taichung City Legislative Committee last week. In this district, only Yan Kuan-heng registered. Yesterday, Yan Kuan-heng’s rumors were searched, which aroused local attention. Yan Wenzheng pointed out that the news came today and also received many complaints from the public. , especially if the crime of forgery of documents is involved, whether the insured amount is in line with the principle of proportionality, some people are dissatisfied with "making things because of people".

Yan Wenzheng emphasized that the nomination work of the party's legislators will not be affected at present, and everything is proceeding according to the schedule.