The mother hired 2 secret doctors to perform "circumcision" on her son who was only 20 days old after giving birth, which caused the baby to bleed too much and was sent to the hospital to die.

Schematic diagram of circumcision, the characters have nothing to do with the news event.

(European News Agency file photo)

[Instant News/Comprehensive Report] A mother followed the traditional religious rituals and called two esoteric doctors to "circumcise" and remove the circumcision of the 20-day-old boy baby. As a result, the baby boy suffered from excessive bleeding and was unfortunately sent to the hospital and died.

According to comprehensive foreign media reports, a Nigerian mother living in Italy recently gave birth to a baby boy. She called two secret doctors to perform "circumcision" on her 20-day-old son. As a result, the baby bled profusely and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

The police arrested two secret Nigerian doctors who used the knife and arrested them on suspicion of manslaughter and illegal occupation.

The mother of the baby boy was also arrested and investigated on suspicion of manslaughter.

Please read on...

According to reports, circumcision is still practiced in a small number of immigrant areas in Italy due to cultural and religious beliefs, but many Italians refuse to circumcise boys under the age of 4.

The baby boy's mother is a Nigerian who successfully sought political asylum in Italy and settled down.

She claimed to have changed her religion, but after her son was born, she still sought out a esoteric doctor to perform the circumcision according to the original tradition. She did not expect that it would cost him his life.