The headshot of the Taiwanese classmate "Guo Zonghong" in the elementary school graduation album of the Japanese Yumida Munetaka.

(Photographed by reporter Huang Mingtang)

[Reporter Huang Mingtang/Taitung Report] When 60-year-old Japanese man Munetaka Yumeda was a child in Omuko Elementary School in Shibuya District, Tokyo, there was a Taiwanese male classmate "Guo Zonghong". The two were "Machi" who made trouble together, but Before and after graduation, Guo moved his family back to Taiwan, and has lost contact since then; Yumita has come to Taiwan 4 times, and every time he thinks about the past, through Taitung Friends, he hopes to find a good friend from his childhood.

Yumita Sotaka works as a script agent for a TV station in Japan, and finds lawyers, doctors, writers and other professionals to appear on the show. His wife Mitsuko Sakai is a documentary director and has been to Taiwan many times to shoot documentaries.

Yumita has come to Taiwan 4 times because he accompanied his wife. Every time he comes, he always thinks of "Guo Zonghong".

Yumida Sotaka said that when he was a child, he was studying at Shibuya Ward Omuko Elementary School in Tokyo. His best friend was Guo Zonghong, a native of Taiwan. The two of them often mischievously played tricks together at school and teased female classmates. He often went to Guo's house Playing, the relationship is quite good, but before and after graduation, the Guo family moved back to Taiwan.

Yumida recalled that Guo Zonghong’s family lived in the alley behind the Shibuya Public Hall. Guo’s father was a doctor. Half of Guo’s family was a residence and half was a hospital. Guo Zonghong seemed to have said that he would become a doctor when he grew up, but that was when he was a child My ambition, now I don't know what to do.

Yumida still remembers that Guo Zonghong was of medium size when he was a child. He should have been born in 1963 or 1964. Everyone called him "かっくん" and his own nickname was "えた".

He still has photos of Guo Zonghong in his elementary school yearbook, but he doesn't know what he will look like after 48 years. He really hopes that the two will have the opportunity to meet again and recall their childhood together.

Chen Weichen, a friend of Munetaka Yumida's in Chenggong Township, Taitung County, said that he often travels to and from Taiwan and Japan, and has helped many Taiwanese find Japanese friends. Department, fulfill Yuda's wish.

Japanese man Yumita Sotaka went to Taiwan with his wife Mitsuko Sakai four times, and every time he thought of his elementary school classmate Guo Zonghong 48 years ago.

(Photo by reporter Huang Mingtang)