Su Qingzhong (first from the right), head of Zhunei District, Qianzhen District, Gaoshi City, was sued for corruption in organizing Mid-Autumn Festival activities.

(Photographed by Su Qingzhong's Facebook page)

[Reporter Huang Jialin/Kaohsiung Report] Su Qingzhong, head of Zhunei District, Qianzhen District, Gaoshi held Mid-Autumn Festival activities. He applied for subsidies from CNPC on the one hand, and raised funds from the neighbors on the other. After interviewing him and arriving at the case, Su was ordered by the prosecution to post 100,000 yuan bail, but after posting the bail, he ran to harass witnesses, and was charged by the prosecution.

The prosecutor pointed out that in August 2021, Su Qingzhong (69 years old) successfully applied for an activity fund of 100,000 yuan from China Petroleum Corporation on the grounds of holding the Mid-Autumn Festival activities, but the funds were included in the annual budget and final accounts of the district office, and relevant materials had to be submitted before submitting the application. The District Office requested funds; on September 21 of the same year, on the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Su invited the neighbors in the neighborhood to announce that they would hold a "Mid-Autumn Festival Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Publicity Activity", but lied that the funds were insufficient. Make the event sound and colorful.

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The neighbors supported each other and offered cash ranging from 2,000 to 6,000 yuan. After Su "raised" 86,000 yuan from the neighbors, he first went to a cake shop in Li Nei to order 2,190 small cakes (unit price 40 yuan, the total price is 87,600 yuan), he took the blank receipt given to him by the cake shop, filled in the false unit price, and declared 98,000 yuan to the district office for holding the Mid-Autumn Festival event.

After the district office remitted 98,000 yuan to the account of the bakery, the person in charge of the bakery surnamed Huang found that there was an excess of 10,000 yuan. He called Su to inquire about it. With a difference of more than 10,000 yuan, plus the 86,000 yuan donated by the neighbors, a total of more than 90,000 yuan was earned from holding a Mid-Autumn Festival event.

The prosecution received a report and launched an investigation. Because the amount involved in the corruption was not high, Xiong procuratorial re-examination ruled that 100,000 yuan should be handed over to bail. Unexpectedly, after Su Qingzhong stepped out of the local prosecutor's office, he went back to find other neighbors who had not yet made a record for collusion. After receiving the report, the prosecution determined that he was in danger of colluding with evidence, and then arrested him and charged him to the court; "crime" is punishable by more than 7 years in prison and a fine of less than 60 million yuan.