The woman was hit by a Ziqiang at the Taiwan Railway Hsinchu Hukou Station this evening and died on the spot.

(provided by readers)

First post 18:21

update time 19:10

[Reporter Huang Meizhu/Hsinchu Report] Today (29th) at Taiwan Railway Hukou Railway Station at around 5:30 in the evening, a 19-year-old woman was tragically killed on the spot when she was hit by No. 128 Ziqiang train on the Beishang platform.

The station pointed out that the current northbound trains are still affected, and the most serious ones have been delayed for more than 40 minutes.

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Preliminary investigation by the railway police revealed that the deceased had bought a ticket to enter the station platform about half an hour before the incident, and also voluntarily revealed her thoughts of world-weariness to the station staff. When the train entered the station, it suddenly rushed out of the hall, entered the platform, and rushed towards the incoming train.

The exact cause of the incident remains to be clarified through in-depth investigation.

Staff from the Hukou Unit of the 3rd Battalion of the Hsinchu County Government Fire Department were reported to the scene for rescue, but they found that the woman suffered severe head injuries and her brain spilled out, and she died on the spot.

The Taiwan Railway website released a message stating that due to the casualty accident, from 5:32 p.m., the southbound and northbound trains between Beihu Station and Xinfeng Station will resume single-lane traffic on the east line, and it is expected to resume at 7:30 p.m.

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