A fire broke out in a building in Xinhua, and thick smoke came out.

(provided by the public)

[Reporter Wu Junfeng/Tainan Report] A fire broke out in a building in Tainan's Xinhua District this morning. Thick smoke continued to flow out. The fire brigade dispatched 14 vehicles to rush to rescue and assisted in the evacuation of 44 residents. The fire was extinguished, but fortunately no one was injured.

The fire broke out in the community building on Zhongzheng Road. The fire department was notified at 7:50, and immediately dispatched Xinhua and other teams, dispatching a total of 14 vehicles and 33 people to fight the fire.

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Various fire brigades arrived one after another. The fire broke out on the 8th floor. Thick smoke came out of the scene, and they went inside to rescue the fire. The fire was quickly extinguished. No one was trapped or injured. It was a false alarm.

The fire brigade assisted in the evacuation of 44 residents in 4 buildings, including a 6-month-old baby;