Tainan City Councilor Li Zonglin (left) presented "Voyage for Love: The Story of Pastor Eliza's Wife, and the Story of Doctor Elizabeth Song" to 45 elementary schools in Taiwanese, hoping to attract others and inherit the local language and culture.

(Provided by Li Zonglin Service Office)

[Reporter Hong Ruiqin/Tainan Report] Tainan City Councilor Li Zonglin, Professor Jiang Weiwen of the Department of Taiwanese Literature of Chengda University, Chen Yunru, President of the Scottish Taiwan Association, and the Education Bureau jointly organized a Taiwanese picture book donation event, presenting 45 copies of "Voyage for Love: Pastor Eliza's Wife" Story, The Story of Doctor Elizabeth Song" Taiwanese children's book picture book for elementary schools, expecting to inherit the local language and let school children understand Tainan's local history.

Pastor Eliza's wife is the wife of Li Xun, the first pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, and the first female missionary in Taiwan. She also advocated the liberation of footbinding and became a pioneer in the feminist movement in Taiwan.

Elizabeth Song is the first woman in Scotland to obtain three medical degrees. She has been doing medical missionary and fraternity work in southern Taiwan for many years.

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The author of the book, Chen Yunru, said that in the past, Taiwan’s historical narratives were mostly male-dominated. Many Tainan people knew about the contributions of Presbyterian pastors such as Buckley and Song Zhongjian to Tainan, but they ignored the role played by women. This time, publishing children’s books hopes that The narrative that can focus on the contribution of "female" allows Tainanese and Taiwanese to better understand the contribution of female characters in the process of Taiwan's modernization. At the same time, it also lets children know that not only the Netherlands, Spain, Japan, but also the Scots have participated in Important history of Taiwan.

Li Zonglin said that the selection of 45 elementary schools to donate books this time hopes to attract more attention and make people pay more attention to learning the local language. The set of children's books "Voyage for Love" is written in Taiwanese and echoes the history of Tainan. It should let more People in Tainan know it, and April 3rd happens to be Elizabeth Song's birthday. At this time, give Tainan children the best Children's Day gift.

Jiang Weiwen said that this book is written in Taiwanese, Chinese and English, and written in vernacular characters, a precious cultural asset. Tainan can be said to be an important place for the development of vernacular characters. Fucheng Church News)" is written in this language. This time the picture book uses the same language, which has the dual mission of inheriting Taiwanese language and inheriting history, which also makes the book donation very meaningful.