Being politically alive means having a perspective: Putin does not have one.

In an exclusive interview with, numerologist Vladyslav Hrytsai told about the fate of the Russian dictator in connection with the arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court:

"I think that Putin has not controlled anything for a long time and he simply will not be released. Therefore, when dictators try to escape, they are almost always eliminated by their close entourage. It may also be that in the end Lukashenko will turn him in. For me, it would be first, it is very symbolic, because Lukashenko is a very cunning mustachioed cockroach, because he always plays his own game," the numerologist noted.

Hrytsai is convinced that Putin's authority has been lost.

"Politically, Putin is no longer there, because to be politically alive means to have a perspective. Putin does not have it. The same Prigozhin, many political elites are already openly speaking against him. This is an indicator that authority has been lost. The most important thing for the horde is authority, power and strength . All this was lost during the last year during the war in Ukraine. Thus, politically, Putin is already dead. Physically, I think that he will not be brought to court, because he will most likely be eliminated earlier," the numerologist concluded.

We will remind you that the famous astrologer Vlad Ross predicts that the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin will live only until the summer of this year.

The owner of the Kremlin will most likely be "helped" to die. 

Astrology, tarology, numerology, fortune-telling, divination, fortune-telling, psychics are not sciences, and predictions do not always come true 100%.

Information is quite often of an entertaining nature, so it should not be taken seriously, but only as a probability of events that every person can become the creator of if he has the strength of spirit and inspiration to change his life for the better.

Read also:

  • A necromancer witch predicted when the war in Ukraine would end

  • What Ukraine will be like after the war: the astrologer predicted a radical change of power and restoration

  • Putin will die in 2023: the famous occultist named the exact date of death