You Xikun said that freedom, democracy and human rights are universal values. Taiwan, like the Central Tibetan Administration, is facing unprecedented severe challenges, but it will definitely stand firmly with all democratic and free countries.

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[Reporter Su Yongyao/Taipei Report] Legislative Yuan Yu Xikun met Nozin Drolma, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Information of the Central Tibetan Administration, and his party this afternoon (28th). He said that freedom, democracy and human rights are universal values ​​of human beings. Although Taiwan Like the Central Tibetan Administration, we are facing unprecedented severe challenges, but we will stand firmly with all democratic and free countries to jointly safeguard democracy and human rights.

Dean You first told the visitors that we are all struggling to fight for and maintain democracy and freedom under the bullying of evil neighbors and powerful forces. Because we have similar experiences, meeting each other is as cordial as old friends.

He said that in February this year, he went to the United States to participate in the "International Religious Freedom Summit". In his speech, he once again called on all countries in the world to pay attention to the importance of democracy, freedom and human rights.

At present, the international democratic landscape is shrinking, and freedom and democracy in Tibet, Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Myanmar, and Afghanistan are facing enormous challenges.

About half of the world's population lives under totalitarian dictatorship, and I feel very worried.

Taiwan has been colonized for hundreds of years, and it has gone through extraordinary hardships in the pursuit of democracy and freedom. Therefore, we are very concerned about the development of international democracy and human rights. The Taiwan Congress often takes action on human rights issues that occur around the world. express concern.

You Xikun pointed out that after World War II, Taiwan suffered the longest martial law and authoritarian rule in the world, but despite this, the suffering has never made the people of Taiwan give up their pursuit of freedom and democracy.

In 1986, a group of people outside the party broke through the party ban and established the first democratic opposition party in the Chinese-speaking world. They forced the Chiang Ching-kuo government to announce the lifting of martial law. Afterwards, with the joint efforts of the people of Taiwan, the regular election of the National Assembly, the direct election of the president, and the peaceful regime were implemented. democratic process such as transfer, three-degree political party rotation, etc.

Taiwan demonstrates that the democratic system is indeed feasible in the Chinese-speaking circle. It breaks the myth that some Chinese leaders in the past, including former Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, said that "human rights and democracy are imported from the West and are not suitable for Asian countries." It proves that the democratic system originated from the West. It can also blossom and bear fruit in the Chinese circle.

You Xikun said that in the past 60 years, many Tibetans have been arrested and sentenced for their beliefs; in order to prohibit Tibetan Buddhism, Xi Jinping ordered that Tibetan parents should not send their children to temples to learn language and culture during holidays last year. It is inhumane to hand over children aged 10 to other units, such as the military, to take care of them.

Dean You emphasized that freedom, democracy and human rights are the universal values ​​of human beings. Although Taiwan and the Central Tibetan Administration are facing unprecedented severe challenges, we will stand firmly with all democratic and free countries to jointly safeguard democracy and defend Human rights, I hope that the international democratic allies will also cooperate more closely and work together for global peace, stability and development.