An event was held in DTX on the occasion of the 104th anniversary of the establishment of the security agencies of Azerbaijan.

APA informs that the head of the National Security Agency, Colonel-General Ali Nagiyev, spoke at the event held in the National Security Agency on the occasion of the 104th anniversary of the establishment of the security agencies of Azerbaijan.

In his speech, Colonel-General Ali Nagiyev, who touched on the geopolitical processes in the world and which are accompanied by serious turbulence, spoke about the insidious actions of some states neighboring Azerbaijan, which are currently directed against the security of our republic, and noted that the intelligence-disruptive activities and provocations of the special services of those states are being resolutely prevented and in our country the prevailing security environment is always reliably maintained.

At the same time, the head of the service, Ali Nagiyev, specially noted that the high leadership skills of the Supreme Commander Muzaffar, the bravery of the Azerbaijani Army, and other measures for the successful implementation of the process of resettling our citizens to the territories freed from occupation and where large-scale reconstruction and reconstruction works are currently being carried out on the basis of the "Great Return" program All opportunities will be mobilized by the Ministry of Education and Culture as well as state bodies.