According to the top 100 rankings of rainfall statistics from the Central Meteorological Administration, from 00:00 yesterday to the present, the top 18 regions are all covered by Nantou County.

(Extracted from the official website of the Meteorological Bureau)

[Instant News/Comprehensive Report] The spring rain finally arrived last Saturday. The Meteorological Bureau issued a heavy rain warning on the 26th for 13 counties and cities north of Chiayi in the western half. Accumulated so far, the rainfall in Taiwan is mainly concentrated in Nantou.

According to the rainfall statistics of the Bureau of Meteorology, from 00:00 yesterday to the present, Taiwan’s cumulative rainfall ranks among the top 100. Except for the first place at the junction of Hualien and Nantou, the top 18 are almost all Nantou County, and there is only one southern county until the 50th. In the "Chiayi County" list, the cumulative rainfall at the Alishan monitoring station reached 33.5 millimeters, while Kaohsiung, Tainan, and Pingtung did not make the list at all. This proves that this wave of spring rain is mainly concentrated in Nantou.

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According to the visualization data of the reservoir water storage of the Water Resources Administration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, of the 7 reservoirs in the southern region, only Renyitan Reservoir, Baihe Reservoir, and Zengwen Reservoir had effective rainfall yesterday, with cumulative rainfall of 10, 0.9, and 2.9 mm respectively. The reservoir has no income.

According to the official website of the Water Conservancy Administration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, only 4 of the 7 reservoirs in the south received effective rainfall yesterday.

(Extracted from the official website of the Water Resources Department)