Taiwan's lottery operating right qualification review is underway, and the disabled and their families in Penghu criticized the regulations as a nuisance to the people.

(Photo by reporter Liu Yuqing)

[Reporter Liu Yuqing/Penghu Report] Taiwan’s lottery dealer qualification review has recently been carried out in various counties and cities across the country. The outlying island Penghu has allocated 17 places, but there are too many monks and too few. However, it did not take into account the characteristics of the outlying islands in Penghu, which caused some families of the disabled to protest, thinking that it was a nuisance to the regulations.

Because Penghu is a remote island, transportation by sea and air is required. However, in order to receive better medical care, disabled people often reside in Penghu and actually live in other counties and cities on Taiwan’s main island. However, they have to travel back and forth because they are applying for Taiwan lottery dealer qualifications. Traveling around, sometimes disabled people with limited mobility need their family members to accompany them to take the plane boat back to their hometown to apply for the event. This not only makes these disabled people have to endure the discomfort in the journey map, but also increases the financial burden of these economically disadvantaged disabled groups.

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A handicapped person who failed to be operated on for a cerebrovascular tumor lived in Kaohsiung for a long time in order to receive better medical care. However, considering the age of his parents at home, he had the idea of ​​self-reliance, so he applied for it, but he was unable to take the flight by himself. Returning to the hometown by boat, the old father traveled to the Penghu County Government many times, but the organizer refused to handle it on the grounds of the "personal presence" requirement. In the end, the old father was forced to go to Kaohsiung and bring his son back to his hometown for processing. .

What makes the family even more angry is that the current Penghu District Court and the District Prosecutor's Office will take into account the special geographical environment of Penghu when they hold court sessions. The drawbacks of adding heads to the lottery, so it must be done according to the announcement. The family members were so angry that they scolded China Trust's advertised "We are one family" service purpose as empty talk, and the officials of the Ministry of Finance have no empathy. They are not caring for the disadvantaged. On the contrary, it is deliberately making things difficult for the disabled.