Good marketing needs to have "keywords" that can be repeated so often that they are catchy, easy to remember, and clearly convey the meaning.

Politics also brings marketing concepts.

Look at the words of Western leaders through the ages.

to always have a great sentence prepared

Time to focus on one important matter

like the Cold War era that used the word

"Evil Empire" (Evil Empire) to brand communism.

"Soviet Union"

Likewise, with the World War 2 era, the world was divided into two powers.

One party is a group.

The Allies consisted of Britain, France, the United States, the USSR, and China, while the Axis consisted of Nazi Germany, Italy, and the Empire of Japan.

In fact

Both powers were also 'allies', on the other hand, Germany-Italy-Japan.

Trilateral cooperation is called the Tripartite Treaty.

just using a different name

It comes from the Western "branding" the other side as an axis.

which is a word that makes me feel

Definitely not a hero

The term Axis refers to an axis or rod on which an object revolves around it.

Before World War II, the first Axis word was used, dictator Benito Mussolini, referring to the Italian-German alliance as the Rome-Berlin Axis.

to have Italy and Germany as cores

with other European nations spinning around

But it ended up not being used anymore.

Western nations justify calling power

Nazi Germany-Italy-Japan that "Axis" came from the nature of the relationship of 3 nations that rarely had a meeting.

Obviously, what are you coordinating with?

Each of them spread their own power with their own military strength.

Unlike the alliance that has a close cooperation.

have a long relationship

They also sent soldiers to fight in the same battle

in 2545, US President George W. Bush.

Re-used the term Axis, referring to the "Axis of Evil" consisting of Iran, Iraq, and North Korea.

to legitimize the policy

The "war on terror" and the invasion of Iraq to eradicate

"Weapon of mass destruction" that does not exist.

Fast forward to 2023, many US politicians are reusing the term with a slight tweak to become the “New Axis of Evil” (New Axis of Evil).

“Russia-China” that has just strengthened their relationship closely.

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