Wuling High School's second-year physics exam papers are the same as those two years ago. The school announced that the re-examination will be held on the 28th, and about 500 students will be affected.

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[Reporter Zheng Shuting/Taoyuan Report] Taoyuan City Wuling High School is holding the first section exam. After the remedial exam on the 25th, the school received feedback from students that the questions on the physics exam paper for the second year of high school were the same as those two years ago. The school urgently compared and found that " The degree of similarity is indeed very high.” Then it was announced that the re-examination will be held on the 28th, and about 500 students will be affected, and the teacher who made the test was asked to explain the reason, and then submit it to the performance evaluation committee for review.

Wuling High School held the first section exam from the 24th to the 27th. The Chinese and writing exams were completed on the 24th. Biology, geography, physics, and English were taken as make-up classes on the 25th. On the day after the exam, some students reported that "the physics exam paper is the same as two years ago." , According to the students who reported, the cram school used this physics test paper as a pre-test practice before, and the impression was still very deep. How did you know that the writing in the test was very familiar, and found that it was almost exactly the same as the test paper. So report it to the school.

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Wan Changxin, director of academic affairs, said that after receiving the feedback, he compared the two examination papers and found that the similarity was indeed high. After a meeting, it was decided to let C, D, and E classes, that is, groups 2 and 3, about 500 students The re-examination, because there are three section exams on the 27th, decided to re-examination on the 28th, firstly, students are still in the familiarization stage of the exam, and secondly, to avoid affecting students' rights and interests.

Wan Changxin said that the school does not have certain principles or regulations on propositions, and it is not impossible to have archaeological questions in the midterm exam, but the data and the way of propositions will not be exactly the same. The examination papers have a high degree of similarity after inspection. The teacher explained the whole story, and then submitted it to the performance appraisal committee for deliberation.

The physics midterm exam questions are the same as 2 years ago. Wuling High School announced on the official website that classes C, D, and E of the second year of senior high school will retake the physics exam on the 28th.

(Extracted from the website of Wuling High School)