The front crossed the border, and the North Water Bureau released artificial rain-enhancing flames twice at Baoer Reservoir this afternoon, hoping to bring more rainfall to the reservoir catchment area.

(Provided by Beishui Bureau)

[Reporter Liao Xueru/Hsinchu Report] Hsinchu heard spring thunder and rain today!

The North District Water Resources Bureau of the Water Conservancy Administration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs said that the front crossed the border. Today (25th) at 4:30 pm and 5:00 pm, the Baoer Reservoir released artificial rain-enhancing flames twice, hoping to bring more rain to the reservoir catchment area. More rainfall, ease the increasingly tight water situation.

According to the North Water Bureau, as of 5 pm today, Shimen Reservoir is only 53% full, Baoshan Reservoir is about 30% and Baoer Reservoir is 50%.

According to the latest weather display, there is a front passing through the northern part of Taiwan today. Therefore, the Water Conservancy Administration and the Chinese Academy of Sciences have cooperated with the Shimen Reservoir to conduct high-altitude artificial rain enhancement flare operations at 1:25 p.m.

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At 4:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m., Baoer Reservoir released artificial rain-increasing flame agents twice. We look forward to the two-pronged approach of aerial and ground-based rainfall enhancement operations. Please let the gods rain more to bring more rainfall to the reservoir catchment area .

Although the probability of rainfall has increased, the future climate is still uncertain. The North Water Bureau calls on everyone to save water together to successfully weather the current drought.

The front crossed the border, and the North Water Bureau released artificial rain-enhancing flame agents twice in Baoer Reservoir this afternoon.

(Provided by Beishui Bureau)