Qixian of Yuanshan Township redo the scene of wisteria blooming in the park.

(provided by the public)

[Reporter Cai Yunrong/Yilan Report] There are wisterias planted in Yuanshan Township Qixian Chonghua Park. The purple flowers hang down in clusters. They are quite beautiful. They have been forwarded and shared on social platforms such as Facebook and LINE; A small number of people came here to watch and take pictures. However, the flowering period has come to an end, and it rained today, and some of the purple flowers were knocked to the ground. People who want to watch it should seize the time.

In the 1990s, the then county magistrate You Xikun cooperated with the government's agricultural development direction, such as improving the farm structure, expanding the scale of operation, and implementing mechanization policies. Therefore, he submitted a report to Shenzhou, Yuanshan Township, for the rezoning of farmland. The rezoning project started in January 1995. In 1996 Completed in December.

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After the rezoning, the Association for the Advancement of Landlords proposed to set up a rezoning park next to the rezoning monument, and the funds were supported by the special account for the rezoning. The county government was established in 2000, and it was commissioned by Yuanshan Township Office and Qixian Community Maintenance so far, including garbage removal, weeding, landscaping, etc.

Lin Zhizhi, head of Qixian Village, said that at the beginning of the establishment of the park, there were wisterias planted on the flower stands. Under the diligent maintenance of the community, they gradually bloomed vigorously, and residents stopped to take pictures; about 5 years ago, the photos were circulated on social networks, attracting people from all over the world. Come here especially, the number of visitors on weekdays alone can reach 300 people.

Lin Zhizhi said that the flowering period of the wisteria in the redesignated park is about one month, and it gradually bloomed in early March this year. Tourists are also called upon not to leave rubbish and to jointly maintain a clean environment.


People took photos of wisteria flowers in Qixian Zhonghua Park, Yuanshan Township.

(Photo by reporter Cai Yunrong)