A second-year high school student in Taichung City committed suicide. His father (the 5th person wearing a hat on the left), accompanied by Mindai and Renben Foundation, came forward to accuse the school director and instructor of bullying and improper discipline on the 22nd.

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[Reporter Cai Shuyuan/Taichung Report] A high school student in Taichung City committed suicide in February this year due to being bullied or improperly disciplined by the school director and instructor. The outside world questioned that the school did not report and investigate in accordance with the regulations, and the Taichung City Government did not supervise. In addition, the Education Bureau, accompanied by parents, legislators, councilors, and the Renben Foundation, accused the school of being passive in handling the case and transferred 7 persons involved in the case, including the principal and instructor, from their current positions. They urged the school to investigate and formally issued a request , to speed up the investigation of the case and clarify the truth. It is expected that there will be an investigation report next month.

The high school student who committed suicide died on February 18. The Education Bureau said that the school had reported the school security incident in accordance with the regulations, but the content of the report was a confidential document. The Education Bureau issued a document requesting that the relevant investigation meeting be held as soon as possible. A school meeting was held, and it was decided to form an investigation team to start the investigation. An online meeting was held on the 19th. It is expected to interview relevant personnel from the 27th, and there will be an investigation report next month.

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The father of the student accused that his son was once targeted by the school teachers for drinking and smoking in the school. He was often asked by the director and instructors to search the body, search the bag, falsely accuse him of stealing money, smoke electronic cigarettes, and insult him. He also criticized the school for two-handed tactics. Prevarication, the school hired a lawyer to warn teachers and students not to speak out.

In this regard, the Education Bureau said that the investigation team will conduct an investigation.

The Bureau of Education pointed out that the case is currently under investigation, and the rewards and punishments of teaching staff and public servants, as well as whether they will leave or leave, are all judged in accordance with the law. The principal, chief instructor, instructor and 3 academic innovation personnel instructors have left the school, and the Education Bureau will send an acting instructor to the school. In addition, the acting principal will also come to the school for handover. We will continue to track the progress of the school's investigation and speed up the clarification of the truth.

Liberty Newsletter cares about you: Suicide cannot solve the problem, bravely asking for help is not a weak person, there is warmth everywhere in society, and we will surely overcome the difficulties.

Peace of mind hotline: 1925

Lifeline consultation hotline: 1995.

Teacher Zhang's special line: 1980