As soon as the "black man" Guo Xin said his farewell, the Taoyuan police dispatched hundreds of police officers to set up checkpoints at the entrances and exits.

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The armed forces trained by Zhulian Rentang

[Social News Center/Comprehensive Report] The police investigated the case of Guo Xinyi, the boss of a black family in Taoyuan, who was shot and murdered. It was found that the "Hongrenhui" and "Mingrenhui" under the Rentang of the Bamboo Union Gang had a rare joint attack. The two associations were on the road early Has a vicious image, and even "fights against each other on the Internet" with his fellow gang members; It has also become the primary target of police raids in recent years.

Both clubs are famous for their viciousness

Fighting each other in the network is not soft

The development of the Bamboo Union Gang in the past ten years was originally based on Hetang as the main line. It was unique in the traditional route of grabbing land and encircling special industries, but it also compressed the development space of other halls; The "Hongrenhui", an armed force in the city, had internal strife with Hetang, and multiple shooting incidents broke out, which aroused the attention of the police and the senior leaders of the Bamboo Federation.

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Since then, Rentang has shifted its development focus to land development and business construction in order to seek greater benefits; Hongrenhui has continued to adopt gangster violence and retaliated through fights and shootings, becoming Rentang's armed force on the stage, and its momentum gradually overwhelmed Rentang itself.

In order to secure its position on the road, Hongrenhui committed crimes one after another, which led to multiple targeted inspections and raids by the police. Important cadres and members were "either imprisoned or preparing to be imprisoned", and their vitality was seriously injured.

On the surface, the Hongren Society has a ruthless reputation, but in fact it has suffered a lot of internal injuries, but it is still proud to say to the outside world: "There are nearly 100 forbidden rooms in Taipei prisons and detention centers, and 80% of those locked up are members of the Hongren Society." Self-consolation is everywhere even in prisons. its power.

At the time when Hongrenhui was in turmoil, Mingrenhui, a subsidiary of Rentang, took advantage of the situation under Rentang's instigation, and gradually stood on the stage of the underworld. Debt or block their way of getting money, often bloody revenge.

With the help of the "reputation" of debt collection and abuse incidents, Mingrenhui has attracted "joiners" to set up many branches in various places, and fought fiercely under the banner of Mingrenhui. The Taipei Marriott Hotel held a high-profile spring banquet with hundreds of tables to promote "help", but it did not expect to arouse social attention and the police were outraged.