“World Tuberculosis Day”

falls on March 24 every year.

The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD) has proposed setting

March 24 of each year.

It is the official

World TB Day.

To remind people around the world to be aware of the dangers of disease day

and together to end the epidemic of disease day

What is tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by a type of bacteria.

which is called mycobacterium

(Mycobacterium tuberculosis) is a major global problem.

which is very important

because it is an infectious disease that spreads easily

by the distribution of small droplets in the air

If an infected person coughs or sneezes

Tuberculosis can be detected.

and can be cured

But if not properly treated or delayed, it can cause severe symptoms until death.

and can also spread to close people

Taking medicine takes a long time.

If eating properly and consistently

will reduce the problem of drug resistance

and cured the disease

do not repeat

and have a better quality of life

To what degree is this tuberculosis problem important?

Worldwide, there are many people infected with TB.

especially in tropical countries and developing countries as shown in Figure 1. The World Health Organization has announced the list of countries with the highest TB infection in 30 rankings in 3 key groups:

1. List of countries with high TB ​​infection

2. List of countries with high TB ​​co-infection and HIV infection

3. List of countries with rifampici-resistant TB infection n

and highly multi-drug resistant

Previously, Thailand was in all 3 groups, until June 2021, there was a big news announcement from the World Health Organization that Thailand had been removed from the list of countries with rifampicin-resistant TB infection.

and highly multi-drug resistant

with cooperation from many sectors

But still in groups 1. and 2.

Figure 1. Map showing new TB cases of countries around the world in 2021, compiled by the World Bank.

https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SH.TBS.INCD?end=2021&locations=TH&start=2021&view=map. Accessed on 7th February 2023. 

In Thailand, there are approximately 143 cases of tuberculosis infection per 100,000 population, which has decreased over the past decade.

Figure 2 Annual statistics of new TB cases in Thailand

from the collection of the World Bank

https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SH.TBS.INCD?locations=TH. Accessed on 7th February 2023.

Thailand's TB Eradication Goals

Thailand has set a goal to eradicate TB.

Also known as

"TB-free Thailand"

by the year 2035, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in part of Goal 3: To ensure that people live a healthy life.

and promoting well-being for everyone of all ages out of 17 goals.

How is TB transmitted?

Tuberculosis is spread by droplets of infected people.

while coughing, sneezing or talking

The infection will stay in the air for up to 10 days, but if exposed to sunlight.

It can be destroyed within 2 hours, but if hit by boiling water, it can die within 10 minutes.

Tuberculosis is found in any part of the body.

Tuberculosis is usually found in the lungs and lymph nodes.

But may cause infection in all parts of the body such as bones, skin, meninges, intestines, urinary tract

meninges, etc.

how to know

that it is tuberculosis

observed from the signs and symptoms

People with tuberculosis often have a cough that lasts more than 2 weeks, sometimes with blood, and may have chronic low-grade fever, loss of appetite, unusual weight loss, shortness of breath, and night sweats.

or enlarged lymph nodes

Chronic bone and joint pain may occur, etc. 

If you or someone close to you have any of these symptoms

It is advisable to see a doctor for evaluation by physical examination.

chest x-ray

and sent for further laboratory testing

The sputum can be examined microscopically by staining specific to tuberculosis.

Tuberculosis culture and molecular biology test

source of information

Dr. Rapeepan Rattanawongnara M.D.,

Department of Infectious Diseases

Department of Internal Medicine

Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital

Mahidol University


https://www.who.int/thailand/news/detail/02-07-2021-significant-milestone-of-ending-tb-who-announces-thailand-is-no-longer-listed-in-high- burden-countries-for-drug-resistant-tb.

Accessed on 7th February 2023


Accessed on 7th February 2023


Accessed on 7th February 2023


Accessed on 7th February 2023