The anti-gay bill passed by the Ugandan parliament on the 21st will recognize the LGBTQ group as criminals and the authorities will have the power to crack down.

The picture shows on August 9, 2014, a participant in the Ugandan gay parade.

(Associated Press)

[Instant News/Comprehensive Report] U.S. White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre pointed out on the 22nd that the anti-homosexuality bill passed by the Uganda Parliament on the 21st is worrying, and it is the only one that has been adopted against the LGBTQ community in the world so far. most extreme action.

According to comprehensive foreign media reports, White House spokesman Champier said on the 22nd that the United States is deeply concerned about Uganda's anti-gay bill, saying that it will hinder the country's tourism, economic investment and damage Uganda's reputation.

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The anti-gay bill passed by the Ugandan parliament on the 21st will recognize the LGBTQ group as criminals and the authorities will have the power to crack down.

Previously, the LGBTQ community in Uganda had faced difficulties including legal discrimination and threats of violence.

"No one should be attacked, imprisoned or killed because of who they are, or who they love," stressed Champier.

In the version approved by the Ukrainian parliament, the "aggravated crime of homosexuality" is punishable by death.

"Aggravated homosexual crimes" are sexual relations cases involving HIV-infected persons, minors and other vulnerable groups.

Under the bill, the vaguely defined "crime of homosexuality" carries a life sentence, comparable to the penalty for "sexual acts against the natural order" of the country's colonial-era penal code.

In addition, suspects convicted of "attempting to aggravate homosexuality" can be sentenced to a maximum of 14 years in prison; while "attempting homosexuality" can be sentenced to a maximum of 10 years in prison.

Currently, more than 30 of Africa's 54 countries regard LGBTQ people as criminals.

LGBTQ is an acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning.