The Kuomintang has decided on the recruitment of the presidential candidate. The outside world doubts that the "change of posts" may be repeated. The party chairman Zhu Lilun (left) will replace the highly popular mayor of New Taipei City Hou Youyi (right) to fight.

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[Reporter Chen Zhengyu/Taipei Report] KMT chairman Zhu Lilun said at the Standing Committee of the Central Committee yesterday that the 2024 presidential candidate will be recruited; the outside world has questioned the motivation of "confiscating the primary election".

In this regard, DPP Legislator Xu Zhijie pointed out today (23rd) that Zhu Lilun had a previous record of "changing posts".

When the Kuomintang was preparing for the 2016 general election, it abolished Hong Xiuzhu's qualifications for the nomination of the party's president, and replaced the then party chairman Zhu Lilun to run for president on behalf of the Kuomintang. The haze of "changing the post" has not dissipated so far.

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In the face of the 2024 general election, Zhu Lilun announced yesterday that after consultation with local chiefs, members of the Legislative Yuan party group and advanced opinions within the party, it was agreed that the presidential candidate should be recruited to win the election with unity and avoid disputes.

As soon as the news came out, conspiracy theories spread everywhere, and the outside world questioned Zhu Lilun's self-interest in "confiscating the primary election".

Xu Zhijie said in an interview today that Zhu Lilun has a previous record of "changing the post" and may stage a "changing the marquis (New Taipei Mayor Hou Youyi)" drama, so that Zhu himself can once again compete for the presidency.

Xu Zhijie said that reminding the Kuomintang that it should establish a fair primary election mechanism to avoid black box nominations causing division within the party, in order to establish a good political culture.