The Dongshi Police Sub-bureau cooperated with the Municipal Police Department to carry out "Pedestrian Justice Law Enforcement" and banned motor vehicles that failed to yield to pedestrians at important intersections. A total of 29 fines were issued in 10 days.

(Picture provided by the public)

[Reporter Ou Sumei/Taichung Report] The Taichung City Government Police Department has launched a two-week "Pedestrian Justice Law Enforcement" project service since March 13. It has strengthened the crackdown on "cars not allowing people" violations. The Dongshi Police Branch cooperates with the police station's planning In terms of execution, from the 13th to the 22nd, a total of 29 tickets were issued, highlighting that the concept of pedestrian right of way priority still needs to be deepened.

The Dongshi Police Sub-bureau considers that there are often a large number of pedestrians shuttling around school campuses at all levels, traditional markets, and characteristic business districts within its jurisdiction. Taking advantage of the influx of tourists on and off school and holidays every day, the police force is arranged to watch at important intersections and see vehicles entering pedestrians crossing. If the distance to the direction of pedestrians is less than 3 meters, stop immediately to the side of the road, and explain to the driver that when driving near a pedestrian crossing or intersection, you should slow down and stop to give way to pedestrians, Those with visual impairments will pass first, and a maximum fine of 3,600 yuan will be imposed for violating the regulations. Drivers should be vigilant on the spot to avoid being fined again.

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In addition to vigorously enforcing the law to demonstrate the determination to uphold the justice of pedestrians, the Dongshi Police Sub-bureau also goes deep into campuses, community activity centers, and tourist attractions to strengthen the promotion of the concept of "watching and stopping at intersections, and pedestrians stop and listen" to residents and tourists, especially in orchards and parks in mountainous areas. Near Xiangguliao are mostly unmarked intersections where narrow roads intersect. Residents should pay attention to the rules of stopping and yielding at intersections when entering and exiting. Only by respecting each other's right of way can we protect our safety.

Lin Dawei, director of Dongshi Police Branch, said that in order to prevent traffic accidents caused by vehicles colliding with pedestrians, drivers of automobiles, machines, and slow vehicles should abide by the regulations of stopping and yielding to pedestrians, and pedestrians are not allowed to cross the road in violation of the regulations. Utilize passers-by's emphasis on "intersection safety", improve drivers and pedestrians' awareness of law-abiding, establish a friendly and safe road-using environment, and make residents feel at ease and tourists travel happily.