According to the resolution published on the National Legal Internet Portal, optional lessons "Let's play hockey" are provided for students of grades 1-3 of general secondary schools.

Among the goals of the optional course is "education of a person who is able to think independently, make decisions, implement tactical ideas individually, in a group and in a team;

education of personal qualities: will, perseverance, discipline, collectivism".

It is assumed that, among other things, schoolchildren will have "formed knowledge of the history of the origin and development of hockey as one of the most popular sports."

As you know, hockey is the favorite sport of

Alexander Lukashenko


The history of Belarusian hockey in recent years is the decisions of international sports organizations to ban the participation of teams of the Republic of Belarus in championships due to human rights violations, including the persecution of athletes who spoke out against the falsification of the presidential elections in 2020.