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The anti-plagiarism software provided by the Ministry of Education and Culture free of charge to Bulgarian universities and scientific organizations has a database of over 35 million scientific sources.

When analyzing a piece of writing, it compares it to all these documents and generates a report on similarities or borrowings found.

This became clear during an information meeting at the University of Mining and Geology between representatives of higher schools, experts from the Ministry of Education and Science and the company that developed the system.

"I hope that through this system we will be able to reach those high standards of academic ethics to which all of us scientists aspire," emphasized the Deputy Minister of Education and Science Prof. Albena Chavdarova at the opening of the meeting.

"Each of us knows how much work he has invested in a scientific study, in the publication of a scientific article, book or other product of his work.

And when he sees his labor misused, the feeling is extremely unpleasant.

The idea is to limit this," Prof. Chavdarova added.

The Deputy Minister of Education and Science recalled that the unified system against plagiarism in Bulgaria was introduced last year.

The software was purchased by the Ministry of Education and Culture and provided free of charge to all higher schools, scientific organizations and institutions that want to use it.

Before that, the system was introduced as a pilot in the Sofia University "St.

Kliment Ohridski".


