Tomorrow, March 24, is the day of memory of Saint Sophronius of Jerusalem

in the Orthodox calendar


The future bishop of Jerusalem was born in Damascus (Byzantine Empire) in 560.

He visited monasteries for a long time, where he got to know various hermits.

This is how Sophrony began to be friends with Ivan Mosh, who became his mentor and brother.

The men went to Syria and Asia Minor together.

And also in 580 they cut their hair as monks in Egypt.

In 634, Sophronius became an Egyptian bishop.

He immediately summoned other bishops to the Synod, where he condemned the heresy of the monoliths.

He died in Alexandria (Egypt) in 638.

Signs of March 24

Folk signs on March 24 / Photo: Pexels

  • Cranes fly fast and low - wait for bad weather.

  • Early swallows mean that this year will be happy.

  • Frost at night and in the morning, there will be no rain the next day.

  • Ducks and rooks have arrived, it will be warm already.

What can't be done tomorrow

It is better to avoid any surgical interventions on this day.

Therefore, it is necessary to postpone not only operations, but also dental fillings.

The result may be unsuccessful.

Don't be jealous of anyone, otherwise it can backfire on you.

What can be done tomorrow

The people said that on this day the first cuckoo began to forge.

If you hear her singing, you need to ring the bell with a small change in your pocket, so that money will be carried.

Read also:

  • Church calendar for March 2023: main dates

  • When is Easter 2023: history and traditions, folk signs and strong prayer