The newly built incinerator in Lukang District of Zhangbin Industrial Zone passed the environmental assessment, which caused dissatisfaction among many manufacturers and environmental groups.

(Provided by Changhua County Environmental Protection Alliance)

[Reporter Liu Xiaoxin/Changhua Report] The newly-built incinerator in Lukang District of Changbin Industrial Zone has passed the environmental assessment and will hold a local briefing in the near future. The Changhua County Environmental Protection Alliance criticized that this is using the lungs of Changhua people as air purifiers; some manufacturers Dissatisfied with the black box operation of the EIA process, we will launch a protest!

Shi Yueying, director-general of the Environmental Protection Alliance, said that there are Riyou and Fengyu incinerators in the west area of ​​the Zhangbin Line, and now a new incinerator is to be built in the Zhangbin Lukang District. There will be three waste disposal sites in the entire Zhangbin Industrial Zone, all of which are To be used to dispose of industrial waste.

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Shi Yueying said that the air pollution in Changhua County is serious. There is Taichung Thermal Power Plant in the north and Liuqing Light in the south. Now the Lukang District of Changbin Industrial Zone needs to add an incinerator. The Fubao Dairy Farming Area is a very important milk producing area in the country, and Lukang Town is a well-known tourist attraction at home and abroad. The new incinerator will have an impact on both dairy farming and tourism.

Chen, who runs the environmental protection industry in Zhangbin Lukang District, believes that passing the EIA for the incinerator is a black-box operation, because as a local manufacturer, he has no idea that such a disgusting facility like the incinerator will be built, and will call on the manufacturer to attend the demonstration. The white cloth strips protested and opposed the establishment with all their strength.

Lin Zhaosui, former chairman of the Lukang Zhangbin Industrial Zone Factory Association, pointed out that Taipower once wanted to set up a Zhanggong thermal power plant in Lukang Lunwei District. After years of struggle between the residents and the manufacturer, it finally withdrew the case. The impact of building a new incinerator is really too great for manufacturers and residents.

Changhua County Environmental Protection Bureau Changjiang Bacon pointed out that in order to solve the shortage of waste treatment facilities and illegal disposal, the Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs has used BOT to build a resource processing center on the land for environmental protection facilities in Lukang District, Changbin. It has passed the environmental assessment and obtained the approval of the Industrial Bureau. According to the regulations, an explanation meeting must be held at the local area before the start of construction. In addition to the main treatment of industrial sludge, waste liquid, waste oil and general industrial waste, it also promises to assist the local government in the disposal of 20,000 tons of domestic waste in the county every year.

The newly built incinerator in Lukang District of Zhangbin Industrial Zone passed the environmental assessment, which caused dissatisfaction among many manufacturers and environmental groups.

(Provided by Changhua County Environmental Protection Alliance)

The newly built incinerator in Lukang District of Zhangbin Industrial Zone passed the environmental assessment, which caused dissatisfaction among many manufacturers and environmental groups.

(Provided by Changhua County Environmental Protection Alliance)