The industry believes that whether to cut the meatballs or not is up to personal preference. The cut meatballs are on the left, and the uncut meatballs are on the right.

(Photo by reporter Tang Shiming)

[Reporter Tang Shiming/Changhua Report] Do you want to cut the meatballs?

Recently, some netizens sparked a debate on whether to cut meatballs for eating. Shi Mingyu, the owner of the time-honored Azhang Meatballs in Changhua City, pointed out that most people would not care about cutting or not cutting meatballs on the spot, but they would cut them with scissors first. It is convenient for customers to eat. As for the takeaway, it is not cut at all to avoid the loss of aroma, soup or heat.

You really don't have to argue about whether to cut or not, just follow your personal preference.

The staff of the store have to cut countless meatballs every day. After a long time, some people suffer from tennis elbow and have to seek medical treatment. It is an alternative occupational disaster.

Meatballs are one of Changhua’s special delicacies. Recently, some people asked on the Internet whether they should be cut when eating meatballs, which immediately sparked discussions among netizens and even heated disputes.

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Shi Mingyu, the owner of the well-known and time-honored Azhang Meatball in Taiwan, pointed out that in order to make it easier for customers to eat the meatballs, they usually cut the meatballs after cooking, which is not only convenient for eating, but also convenient for pouring sauce. But if a customer asks not to cut it, they will do so.

Customers for internal use eat cut meatballs, which saves the time of peeling the meatballs and increases the turnover rate, which is also beneficial to the industry.

Generally, the meatball shop operators in Changhua City will cut the meatballs first after they are cooked.

As for the customers who don’t cut it, it is according to their own special preferences. They are used to asking the store not to cut it when using it for internal use. It should be that they want to smell the aroma and heat the moment they cut the meatball.

At present, the proportion of customers who ask the store not to cut the meatballs for internal use is very low, and most of the customers who ask not to cut them are for take-out.

Consumers said that they will get used to not cutting the meatballs for take-out, otherwise the meat juice will be lost, and they will only eat the cut ones for internal use, and there is no need to argue about whether to cut them.

Shi Mingyu expressed his thoughts and said that he was used to eating meatballs without cutting them when he was a child, and it was the taste in his memory.

Some of their employees suffer from tennis elbow and sore hands every day to cut meatballs, so they all need to take turns to cut meatballs.

In fact, you can eat meatballs according to your personal preference, and there is no need to argue about whether to cut them.

Most of the meatball shop operators in Changhua City will cut the meatballs for internal use first, which is convenient and practical and can be topped with sauce, but there are still different methods according to the preferences of customers.

(Photo by reporter Tang Shiming)

Shi Mingyu, the owner of Ah Zhang's meatballs, is not used to cutting the meatballs. He said that he has been used to eating like this since he was a child.

(Photo by reporter Tang Shiming)