The UOC MP is the same unit of the Russian special services as, for example, the Black Sea Fleet in Crimea before the occupation.

This opinion was expressed by political scientist Oleg Lisniy of Channel 24.

"Now this "Black Sea fleet" is in cassocks, he is leaning with his hands and feet just to stay at the feeder. If I am not mistaken, the congregation of this underchurch is the largest in Ukraine, and because of this they earn a lot of money. It was the largest. I think that now everything it will be different," said the political scientist.

Lisny emphasized that the Russian Federation is attacking not only on the military front, but on all fronts - cultural, religious, and political.

He is certain that both the UOC MP and the Russian Orthodox Church in general should bear responsibility for their actions.

"I believe that these "Goebbels" from Russian Orthodoxy will sit next to Putin in a criminal court. They are part of the units of the aggressor, so they should be next to the one they glorify. Maybe in the end we will find out what their titles are They say that (Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church. - Ed.) Kirill is almost a general there, but these are all fables. I emphasize that they should bear the same responsibility as Putin and his entourage," concluded Oleg Lisny.

As a reminder, by March 29, the priests of the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate must vacate all the buildings of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra and hand over the property to the state.

In turn, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kyrylo, who blesses the occupiers to kill Ukrainians, called the Lavra "the cradle of Russian civilization" and called on his followers to "protect" it. 

Read also:

  • He supported the occupiers: border guards detained a UOC MP priest at the entrance to Kyiv

  • I was waiting for the capture of Kyiv by Russian troops: the servant of the UOC MP monastery will be tried

  • The scandalous priest of the Russian Orthodox Church called on the occupiers to charge Hradi with prayer

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