Yunlin University of Science and Technology held an Employment Recruitment Fair today, attracting many students to apply for jobs or understand the needs of the job market.

(Photo by reporter Huang Shuli)

[Reporter Huang Shuli/Yunlin Report] Yunlin University of Science and Technology and the Yunjianan Branch of the Labor Development Administration of the Ministry of Labor jointly held an employment fair today. Yang Nengshu, the president of Yunlin University of Science and Technology, pointed out in his speech that life after graduation should not be easy, but hard work. 20 years have proved that their lives are worth living. Gengqi encourages students not to be afraid of challenges, but to fight harder and harder, and climb higher and higher.

There were 126 well-known companies setting up booths to recruit talents at the Employment and Recruitment Fair of Yunnan University of Science and Technology, including TSMC, Formosa Plastics, and Lianhua Electronics. More than 9,000 job vacancies were released. In addition to many fresh graduates and job seekers in the Yunjia area, they participated , Among them, there were also a few junior students who came to understand the needs of various manufacturers.

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Yang Nengshu said that graduates of Yunda University of Science and Technology will have no problem finding a job. He is more worried that many young people are too comfortable nowadays, and there are also many "lying flat people". It is not only a personal misfortune, but also a national misfortune. Students, you must bravely enter a big company to accept challenges, see farther and higher, be brave and don’t be afraid of suffering. Suffering is an opportunity for improvement and transformation. No one will be smooth as soon as they graduate. If they go smoothly all the way to the grave, they will be finished.

Yang Nengshu also said earnestly that in the past, the top talents in China, after studying abroad, started businesses in the United States and returned to Taiwan to start businesses, creating a prosperous industry in the Hsinchu Science Park and a great increase in national strength, but now Taiwan is facing serious problems. Killing, this is not good for the future development of the country. Encourage top talents not only to be attracted by a salary of 2 million yuan, but to keep improving and engage in research and development or start a business. At that time, not only the value of an annual salary of 2 million yuan, but also create tens of millions or hundreds of millions of yuan the value of.