The court ruling presents the position of the plaintiff.

The company tried to prove that the management had no idea how the Kipod facial recognition system created by Synesis was used in the Republican Public Safety Monitoring System in Belarus.

It states that no one asked the developer for permission to use Kipod to identify protesters.

The company's lawyer insisted that the British Foreign Office had imposed the sanctions, having no evidence to the contrary.

The judge justified the refusal to grant the lawsuit by saying that the State Department was not required to have evidence of Synesis' involvement in the surveillance of the protesters, it was enough for him to have "reasonable suspicions."

After analyzing a number of materials in the Belarusian media and interviewing the parties, the judge came to the conclusion that the British Foreign Ministry could have "reasonable grounds for suspicion" regarding Synesis.

As noted in the ruling, according to some testimonies, the political prisoner Mykola Dziadok was identified with the help of Kipod (on November 10, 2021, he was sentenced to 5 years in prison for a politically motivated case, he has been in captivity since November 11, 2020).

Synesis LLC is an international technology company founded in 2007 in Minsk.

Now I have development centers in Minsk and Moscow.

Resident of the Belarusian high-tech park and the Russian Skolkovo innovation center.

Specializes in the development of platforms for monitoring public security and managing mass events, as well as online games, mobile applications and chatbots.

The European Union imposed sanctions on Synesis on December 17, 2020, due to the fact that the company provided the Belarusian authorities with video surveillance systems with facial recognition.

This was seen as involvement in the repression of the Belarusian state apparatus in relation to the civil society and the democratic opposition.

The next day, Great Britain joined the EU sanctions.

On May 17, 2022, New Zealand imposed sanctions against Synesis.