Kamikaze drones bombed the local lyceum in Rzhyshchev and targeted nearby dormitories.

The number of victims is constantly changing, because search and rescue operations have been going on there since the morning.



Vitaly Afanasienko will tell you more.

The night footage showing the Russian "Shakhed" hitting the lyceum and the dormitories, which are located next to each other, went all over the news.

Around three o'clock in the morning, the occupiers defiantly hit the civilians of Rzhyshchev with explosive drones.

 "20 people were immediately taken to the hospital, 7 people received serious injuries, which doctors are currently dealing with.

We know that most of the people went down to the basement, we evacuated more than 200 people who were in shelters, but unfortunately, some of the people remained on the floors of the dormitories," said Iryna Pryanishnikova, spokeswoman for the Kyiv region police.

On the two upper floors, the windows were blown out along with all the walls.

As of 12 o'clock in the afternoon, rescuers report 3 dead.

Later, another person was added, who, as it turned out later, came to the rescue.

"The ambulance driver who came here during the second or third attack of these drones and he was here and was damaged by the blast wave and was also taken to the hospital, but unfortunately he died," added Pryanishnikova.

During that night, the Russians crushed the neighboring dormitory and the lyceum itself.

Now a whole section next to the main entrance has disappeared.

Rescuers managed to get people out from under the rubble even in the middle of the night.

But the search is still ongoing.

There is information about missing people.

Terrified by the night terror attack, the locals still cannot get away from the information about the dead friends and relatives.  

Closer to the evening, the head of the police of the Kyiv region announced that the number of victims of the terrorist attack in Rzhyshchiv, unfortunately, has increased.

9 more injured were added.

One child is among the injured.

Search and rescue operations are still ongoing.

We will remind that heavy engineering equipment is working at the scene of the tragedy.

Concrete slabs are raised.

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  • Ukraine news

  • War in Ukraine

  • News of Ukraine: video