Jiang Shi was accused of sexually assaulting two schoolgirls, one of whom suffered from self-mutilation and other sequelae.

Schematic, not a party.

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[Reporter Zhang Ruizhen/Taichung Report] A male tutor surnamed Jiang from an elementary school in Nantou County was accused of sexually assaulting two schoolgirls from 2015 to 2016 and taking pictures of the girls’ private parts. One of the schoolgirls self-harmed and cried After symptoms of post-traumatic syndrome, the whole case was exposed 4 or 5 years later, but Jiang Shi completely denied it, claiming that he was framed because of his strict discipline. In 6 years, Jiang Shi and the prosecution both appealed. The Taichung Branch of the High Court believed that the first-instance judgment and sentencing were not inappropriate, and rejected the appeals of both parties.

The verdict pointed out that during the period from 2015 to 2016, Mr. Jiang was accused of leaving two female students in the classroom after class in the evening, in the name of cleaning the classroom, and sexually assaulted them. After 4 or 5 years, one of the female students was studying in a junior high school and had self-harm, tears and crying. The counselor of the junior high school even found that she continued to cry for an hour. In June 2020, the female student told her mother that she was The sexual assault incident was not exposed until the whole case was exposed and entered the judicial process.

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Teacher Jiang admitted that he did leave the two girls in the classroom on the grounds of cleaning the classroom, but denied that there was any sexual assault. He claimed that he was strict in discipline, and the two girls were dissatisfied and accused him out of thin air, and the school investigated when the incident happened. It is non-sexual assault.

The school investigation Jiang referred to was that after the two girls were sexually assaulted, they talked about it in the classroom and were overheard by another student and informed the school. However, the two girls had already been warned by Jiang and declared to the school that "it joke".

The Nantou District Court held that the descriptions of the two women were not contradictory, and after many years, "the circumstances of the testimony are still very detailed." Master Jiang committed the "crime of sexual intercourse with power" and "crime of sexual intercourse with a woman under the age of 14." , The latter was convicted and sentenced to 6 years in prison. Master Jiang appealed to the second instance, but still denied the crime.

The prosecution also appealed to the second instance, claiming that the sentence in the first instance was too light. The prosecution also emphasized that Jiang Shi never expressed concern or apology, and even asked to investigate a lot of irrelevant evidence in the first instance, so as to delay the lawsuit. He still does not believe Jiang Shi's defense, and believes that the sentencing of the first instance was not inappropriate, so the appeals of both parties are rejected, and the Supreme Court of third instance can be appealed.

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