Martenichka on the hand of opposition leader Kemal Kulchdaroglu intrigued the Turks and gave rise to interpretations of its meaning, BTA reports.

The march of Kulçdaroğlu, leader of the largest opposition party in Turkey and presidential candidate of a coalition of six political forces, did not go unnoticed by the Turkish media.

The amulet is clearly visible on the wrist of the opposition figure in a video shared by him on social media yesterday and has sparked curiosity among people in the country.

The popular TV presenter Fatih Portakal also made an attempt to explain the meaning of Kulçdaroğlu's martenichka.

In a TV show, Suzju Portakal explained what the martenitsi, popular in some countries of the Balkans, are.

According to him, people get attached to them in the month of March and leave them until they see a stork to get their wish.

The presenter asked what Kulçdaroğlu wished for and suggested that his wish was probably to defeat incumbent President Erdogan in Turkey's May 14 election.

We will meet and win.

Ama kime kārshi?

— Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu (@kilicdarogluk) March 20, 2023


Kemal Kulchdaroglu