To create this delicious no-bake dessert with cookies, you will need only the simplest ingredients, and the process itself will not take much time or effort.

Food blogger Tati Chudnova shared

the recipe

on her Instagram page.



need to be prepared:

  • 80 g of dark and 80 g of light cookies;

  • 300 g of sour cream;

  • 2 bananas;

  • 300 g of condensed milk;

  • 100 ml of cold water;

  • 25 g of gelatin.

No-bake dessert with cookies is designed for an 18 cm diameter form.


to prepare

a delicious and simple dessert:

  • Gelatin must be poured with water, mixed thoroughly and left to swell.

  • Cover the form with parchment, crush cookies and slice a banana.

  • All these products should be laid out in layers, but not very tightly.

  • Mix sour cream with condensed milk, melt gelatin in a microwave oven or in a water bath, add a few spoons of sour cream to it and stir.

    Pour into a vessel with cream, stirring constantly.

  • As soon as the mass becomes homogeneous, you just need to pour it over the cookies with bananas in the form.

    Be sure to level it, and then put it in the refrigerator for several hours.

    When you get the form, the dessert can be additionally decorated with grated chocolate.

    Read also:

    • Just mix everything: honey pot without eggs, sour cream and butter

    • Lean baking in a hurry: a recipe for a chocolate cake that melts in your mouth

    • Just four ingredients: how to make baking powder at home