On October 5-7, 2013, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders' Meeting was held in Bali, Indonesia. The final day of the meeting was Putin's birthday.

Russian President Xi Jinping gives Putin a birthday cake

Putin took out a bottle of vodka and poured it for Mr Xi to drink.

Then talk to each other in a friendly way.

Putin told the TV screen that

You've never built that kind of relationship or that kind of appointment with another nation's leader before.

Except for Mr. Xi

Putin's words highlighted the close ties between two superpowers that border Russia and China.

The US does not like the relationship between Russia and China.

Because if China and Russia join hands

There is a high chance that the two countries will soar to become world powers.

The United States fears that the single superpower it has held since the fall of the Soviet Union in late 1991 will end. The alliance that the United States has is not as great and as strong as the Russian-Chinese relationship.

but in the style of cousins ​​and cousins

Be it Canada, England, Australia, Japan or even South Korea.

The solidarity of Russia and China has given small nations the confidence and courage to walk away from the United States and its peers.

Most notable are Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

The moves of the Saudis have led many countries to consider and may use them as an example to follow.

March 17, 2023 The International Criminal Court (ICC) issued a statement on Putin's arrest warrant.

The ICC charges Putin with war crimes.

Alleging Putin's involvement in the illegal trafficking of children.

Biden urges ICC to rush to arrest Putin

After that, the US and Western media gathered together to call Putin a war criminal, hoping to put the charge on Putin's forehead forever.

The United States hopes that China will be disgusted by Russia's accusations and will abandon Russia.

But the United States was wrong.

Besides not being afraid

The Chinese president also showed closer to Russia through a visit to Moscow.

It reaffirms China's true friendship with Russia.

Quite a few minor powers and nations admire China's stance.

This stance is here to win the hearts of other nations and states.

In the future, there will be more countries that want to associate with China.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken reprimanded Mr Xi's visit to Moscow as

China has no sense of responsibility to support Putin's prosecution for war crimes in Ukraine.

The US Secretary of State's speech carries no weight.

Because the United States itself is not a party to the Rome Statute, the United Nations treaty that established the International Criminal Court.

After all, the big countries

Of the world, whether the United States, Russia, China, India, no country is a member of the ICC.

Even our own Thailand is not

China won't let the United States unilaterally strike a word.

China's foreign ministry also asked a ministry spokesman to warn the United States against double standards.

The Chinese media were wading through word for word.

sentence by sentence

Xinhua news agency said Chinese people were not sensitive to threats.

A paper tiger like the US cannot threaten China at all.

Chinese media further emphasized that

The more the United States chases after China and Russia, the more

The more two countries face each other.

Not many people in the world began to understand that

The United States was behind the start of the Russo-Ukrainian War.

What the United States fears the most is

Fear of the end of the war

“The United States does everything to keep the war going.”

for each nation to collect weapons for self-defense

Most of those weapons were bought from the US.

Nitikarun Mingruchiralai
