Taluk Klang Thung Organic Rice Group, Village No. 2, Taluk Klang Thung Sub-district, Muang District, Tak Province, has 32 members, total plantation area 405 rai, and there is also an organic rice network group in Taluk Klang Thung Sub-district. 250 households, total plantation area 1,500 rai, received Organic Thailand standard

It is a group with production potential.

and strong group management

operates in the production, processing and distribution of integrated organic rice products in the form of large agricultural groups

that can generate income for farmers

and strength to the community

leading to well-being and sustainability

The Office of Agricultural Economics 2, Phitsanulok (SorThor.2) visited the area to follow up on the operations of the large plot of organic rice group Taluk Klang Thung. It was found that the farmers of the group planted organic rice once a year. The most popular varieties were: Khao Dawk Mali 105 and Phitsanulok 80 are popular for planting during June-July, harvesting in November.

Production in the crop year 2022/23 has an average production cost of 3,330.87 baht/rai/year, total yield 190 tons/year, average yield 470 kg/rai/year.

received an average return of 5,564.80 baht/rai/year with an average net return (profit) of 2,233.90 baht/rai/year...Most of the produce would be sold to the group at an average purchase price of 11,900 baht per ton.

Processing and Marketing

The group will buy organic rice products from members, 90% of which will be processed into 1-kilogram bags of rice under the brand "Muang Tak Rice" and sold directly to consumers through the storefront in Mueang Tak District.

and an online market through Facebook. Muang Tak Rice by Veteran Agricultural Community Enterprise. Another 10 percent is sold in the form of paddy to the College of Agriculture and Technology.

to cook food for students

In the future, the group plans to expand its business to be able to support the organic rice production of the network group thoroughly.

by linking the futures market in the form of an MOU with farmers institutions

group operations

Currently, it is a learning center to increase the efficiency of agricultural product production (CAD) to transfer knowledge on rice development.

There is a group management under 15 committees with clear division of responsibilities.

Members within the group cooperate well together.

Resulting in the group being able to raise the level of development to be strong

and extending to agribusiness entrepreneurs in rice products

Generate stable income for the community.
