Paparo, commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, said that once the Chinese army invaded Taiwan, they would rush to help Taiwan immediately after receiving the order.

The picture shows the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Truman (USS Harry S. Truman).

(Reuters file photo)

[Compilation of Sun Yuqing/Comprehensive Report] The content of the exclusive interview with the news program "60 Minutes" of the CBS (CBS) news program Samuel Paparo (Samuel Paparo), the commander of the Pacific Fleet of the US Navy, on the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier in February, was published on the 19th of this month It was officially broadcast on the 1st, which mentioned that once the Chinese People's Liberation Army invades Taiwan by force, the Pacific Fleet will quickly deploy to the Western Pacific to assist Taiwan after receiving orders from the US President and Congress.

CBS first pointed out that the U.S. Navy helped the U.S. win the two world wars and the Cold War between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, and it still has great strength. However, China has built the largest navy in the world. Even U.S. military personnel have doubts about whether the U.S. military is ready for war. .

In response, Admiral Paparo responded that the U.S. Navy now has about 300 ships of various types, one-third of which are always in a state of combat readiness and deployment, and there are currently 100 ships performing missions around the world.

The Pacific Fleet has 200 ships and 150,000 officers, soldiers and civilian personnel, accounting for 60% of the overall navy.

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When asked about how the U.S. Navy will respond once China invades Taiwan by force?

Papparo said that the decision rests with the President of the United States and Congress, but "our duty is to be prepared. As soon as the order arrives, the U.S. Navy will quickly deploy to the Western Pacific to assist Taiwan." Papparo further emphasized, " We are ready, yes. But I will never admit that we are ready enough."

Paparo said that the Communist Army does have the most ships in the world, and the number itself is a quality, but the most powerful weapon of the US Navy is the aircraft carrier, and its carrier-based air wing can conduct 150 ground and sea strikes or air attack missions a day , a total of 900 precision-guided ammunition can be delivered. This is a direction that the Chinese navy does not yet have, but is working hard on.

Paparo also said that every country has the right to act anywhere in accordance with international law as long as it flies or sails in a safe and professional manner, but China's approach is very provocative.

In response to Beijing's accusation that the United States is trying to contain China, Papparo asked Beijing, "Are you expanding? Are you an expansionist power?" He emphasized that the United States does not seek to contain China, but to urge China to abide by the rules.

He also reiterated that the United States is also a country in the Western Pacific, and this region is not China's "backyard".

Paparo mentioned that submarines are also a weapon that the U.S. military still maintains an advantage in. It is a generation ahead of China in technology, about 10 to 20 years. It is estimated that there are 12 U.S. nuclear submarines currently sailing in the Pacific Ocean, which is very difficult. Detection and tracking, China has been trying to crack.

As for the refusal of high-level communist military officials to answer calls from the U.S. military hotline, Paparo said frankly that this situation is very dangerous, but the U.S. military will still make the best assessment and judge its intentions based on China’s public conversations and actions, so that the U.S. military’s actions can be effective. So this.

According to a report on the war in the Taiwan Strait by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a Washington think tank, if the Communist Army invades Taiwan in 2026, the United States, Japan and Taiwan will win miserably, and the U.S. military will lose a total of 20 ships, including 2 ships. Many large ships, Paparo said that this result does seem reasonable, but he can imagine worse or better results, the point is to clearly understand the potential costs.