Most often, cherries are fertilized in the fall, but if you haven't done it, don't be upset.

This can be done in early spring.

The main thing is to choose the right fertilizer.

When to feed cherry in the spring

You should immediately pay attention to the fact that cherry feeding depends on the age of the tree.

If the seedlings were recently planted, they do not need additional feeding, because during planting they received all the substances they needed.

It is better to apply organic fertilizers (compost, manure, organic mixtures) to young trees that have not yet borne fruit.

Cherries that are already bearing fruit are fed 3-4 times a year, and old trees (over 7 years old) are fed once a year.

How to fertilize cherries: the main types of fertilizer

Cherries need two types of fertilizers: organic and mineral.

The following organic fertilizers

are best suited

: rotted manure, compost, sawdust.

With their help, you can make the soil loose and fertile.

Among the main

mineral fertilizers

that cherries need, the following can be named: potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, copper, iron, manganese, boron, sulfur and other elements.

They will provide the tree with growth, immunity and good productivity.

Gardeners also use ammonium nitrate, urea, superphosphate and potassium salt for cherries.

You can safely take fertilizers with sulfur, magnesium or calcium -

azophoska, ammophoska, nitroamophoska


How to feed cherry trees in early spring so that there are many fruits

In the spring, the cherry tree begins to be fed in order to help it "wake up" and start growing.

Even before the buds bloom, it is recommended to spray the tree

with 3% Bordeaux liquid

to protect against fungal diseases.

In addition, this liquid is rich in copper.

Preparing the solution is quite simple: take 300 g of copper sulfate, 300 g of quicklime and dilute it in 10 liters of water.

Before flowering, the cherry can also be fed

with urea or ammonium nitrate


  • if it is a young tree (2-4 years old), it is better to spray it with urea (30 g of the substance per 10 liters of water) or make a root top dressing with ammonium nitrate (15 g of the substance per 1 square meter of the root circle);

  • if the tree is more than 4 years old, it is necessary to add less urea during spraying (20 g per 10 liters) or feed the roots with a larger amount of ammonium nitrate (20 g per 1 square meter of the root circle).

For proper root feeding, first loosen the soil slightly, water the trunk circle abundantly (depending on the age of the tree, you need from 3 to 6 buckets of water) and then add liquid fertilizer to the ground.

Dry fertilizers are evenly distributed over the soil surface and compacted with a rake.

How to fertilize cherry in the spring during flowering

When cherries begin to bloom, gardeners advise to feed the trees

with ashes and cow dung


For this, a special solution is prepared: 10 glasses of ash, 5 liters of mullein and 50 liters of water.

If the cherry tree is 4-7 years old, one tree needs 1 bucket of solution, for older trees, 2-3 buckets are needed.

Please note that cherries need neutral soil for growth and high yields.

Often beginners do not get a harvest precisely because of acidification.

If the soil in your area is acidic, it needs to be neutralized.

For this, 1 sq.

approximately 300 g of lime or dolomite powder are sprinkled per meter of the site.

Read also:

  • You can plant already in March: flowers that bloom all summer

  • Tasty and sweet: early potato varieties to plant this spring

  • If you have already purchased: how and where to store seedlings before planting