The general public found that 6,000 yuan in cash was fraudulent and fake news, and the Gaocheng police tracked down the fake website and tried their best to stop the fraud.

(provided by the police)

[Reporter Huang Liangjie/Kaohsiung Report] 6,000 yuan in general cash will be distributed to all citizens. 38 district offices and 48 household registration offices will provide service consultation counters tomorrow. People can bring their ID cards, health insurance cards, and account numbers of financial institutions to handle online registration and consultation on their behalf. , However, fraudulent syndicates sent text messages to scam money. The police also reminded the government that they will not use text messages to notify them of payment, and reminded several fraudulent websites not to enter!

According to the police, a fraudulent group used the "Department of Digital Development" to spread false information, saying "Congratulations! The government issued $6,000 for tax repayment to the people. How to get it quickly, please click the link below...", reminding the public not to click on it by mistake, so as not to be deceived fooled.

Please read on...

Centrally planned general cash distribution methods adopt five methods, including "registration and entry", "cash collection at ATM", "cash collection at post office", "direct deposit" and "distribution of books in specific rural areas". The 6,000 yuan online registration is congested. From 8:00 am on March 22, the appointment registration will be open. The government will not notify you by text message. People can bring their ID cards, health insurance cards, and financial institution account numbers to 38 district offices during working hours. And 48 household registration office bases, online registration or consultation as an agent.

There is also a suspected fraudulent website, which has more "com" than the correct website, and is missing 2 decimal points. The police have blocked and guarded against it. The police said that the official website of the Ministry of Finance (https://, there is no com behind, and 6000 is the number "0" instead of the English letter "o".

After entering the webpage, the public selects "Registration". If you apply by yourself, you need to fill in the information and account. If you are applying by a representative, please fill in the representative's account and health insurance card. Children under the age of 12 (based on birthdays) can be registered and picked up by their parents/guardians. After confirming that the information is correct and sending it, the completion is complete. After registration and delivery, the results of the information verification can be checked online from March 28.

☆Liberty Times e-newsletter reminds you, anti-fraud hotline: 165, reporting hotline: 110☆

The general public found that 6,000 yuan in cash was fraudulent and fake news, and the Gaocheng police tracked down the fake website and tried their best to stop the fraud.

(provided by the police)