KMT legislator Wu Sihuai (right) questioned Premier Chen Jianren (pictured left, right) and Foreign Minister Wu Zhaoxie (pictured left, left).

(Photographed by reporter Xie Junlin)

[Reporter Xie Junlin/Taipei Report] Honduras, Taiwan’s diplomatic state, announced that it would seek to establish diplomatic relations with China. Reuters revealed on the 18th that the United States is trying to persuade Hongguo not to implement the plan to establish diplomatic relations with China, and there may be room for maneuver .

However, KMT legislator Wu Sihuai mentioned that he had a ministerial friend in Hongguo during his questioning in the Legislative Yuan on the 21st, and recently told him, "The severance of diplomatic relations is finalized, and it may be during President Tsai's visit."

In this regard, Foreign Minister Wu Zhaoxie said that all the conditions are under control and efforts are still underway.

The Legislative Yuan will continue to invite Executive Premier Chen Jianren to lead the heads of various ministries and commissions to conduct general policy inquiries.

When Wu Sihuai asked questions, he was concerned about the situation of my country's friendly countries Honduras and Paraguay.

Regarding this, Wu Zhaoxie replied that he is working on the part about Honduras. As for the stable relationship between Paraguay and my country, there are also Paraguayan friends in the conference hall, "Our relationship is very good!"

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However, Wu Sihuai said: "I have a friend in Honduras, a former minister. He graduated from our military academy and has been in contact with him. He told us that the severance of diplomatic relations is finalized. We contacted 4 days ago. He reminded us that there may be a temporary severance of diplomatic relations when President Tsai visits abroad, does the Minister have any idea?"

Wu Zhaoxie emphasized: "We are working hard, and we have all the conditions under control."

Honduran President Xiumara.

After Khawchu announced on Twitter on the 14th that he had instructed to seek the establishment of diplomatic relations with China, the diplomatic pressure of the United States is still in progress.