The Changhua County Council held an interim meeting today, and the county councilors attended the meeting enthusiastically.

(Photo by reporter Zhang Congqiu)

[Reporter Zhang Congqiu/Changhua Report] The Ministry of Health and Welfare issued 100,000 yuan in condolences and care funds to Wuhan pneumonia (new coronavirus disease, COVID-19) until yesterday (19th), but the Changhua County Government was 3 months earlier than the central government It has been suspended for many months on January 1 this year. County Councilor Lai Ching-mei criticized the county government for hastily ending the process and not doing enough.

In this regard, Wang Lanxin, director of the Social Affairs Department, said that the funds are all from private donations, and a total of more than 80 million yuan has been distributed. The timing of the suspension has nothing to do with the election. The county government does not know when the Ministry of Health and Welfare will stop the distribution. , the number of confirmed death cases has dropped significantly, and other counties and cities have successively parked condolence funds, and decided to stop the distribution after overall consideration. From this year, confirmed death cases and people from poor families will be assisted by the emergency relief and funeral subsidy channels of the social department.

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The county council held an interim meeting today. Lai Qingmei was concerned about the county government's distribution of condolences for confirmed deaths. She said that when the epidemic was severe, both the central and local governments issued 100,000 yuan in funeral condolences to family members of confirmed deaths from the epidemic. The family members of the family received a total of 200,000 yuan in condolences from the central and local governments at the same time. This year, the confirmed death can only receive 100,000 yuan in condolences from the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The family members of the "late leavers" who died of the epidemic can receive less money. However, the county government has not synchronized with the central government, and "one country, two systems" has caused controversy.

Lai Qingmei said that the county government’s 100,000 yuan condolence fund was issued until December 31 last year, just after the election ended.

It is in line with the principle of fairness whether the condolence money for the confirmed death from January 1 to March 19 this year should be reissued.

Ye Yanbo, director of the Health Bureau, pointed out that the initial review of the central policy is strict, and the work takes a long time. It cannot be obtained quickly by showing the death certificate, but must be reviewed by experts. A 100,000 yuan condolence payment was issued immediately after the confirmed death of the epidemic. Therefore, at that time, many family members of the confirmed death received 100,000 yuan in condolences from the county government, but could not receive the central government. Later, the central government fully relaxed the recognition. Even if the rubbing test is positive after death, condolence money will be issued.

Ye Yanbo emphasized that both the central government and the local government hope to reduce the pressure and burden on family members to deal with funeral affairs. The starting point is goodwill. Not every county and city has additional condolence funds. Dropped to single digits before calling a stop.

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Please click here for the "Wuhan Pneumonia Zone", for more information, you can grasp it first-hand.

The Changhua County government issued 100,000 yuan in condolences to the family members of the people who were registered in Changhua County due to the confirmed death. A total of more than 80 million yuan was distributed, all of which came from private donations.

(Photo by reporter Zhang Congqiu)