Why the Japanese do not eat dairy products

Dairy products, particularly milk, have never been a traditional part of Japanese cuisine.

One of the main reasons is climatic conditions.

They do not allow cattle breeding to develop in this country, because of which there is no milk production.

But this is not the only reason why you will not see dairy products on the Japanese table.

As early as 1981, the results of a study showed that 90% of Asians do not absorb lactose.

This is due to the fact that their bodies do not produce enough lactase.

This enzyme is needed to break down lactose.

Because of this, after consuming milk and other dairy products, Asians experience stomach discomfort and other digestive problems.

What is eaten in Japan instead of dairy products

The Japanese have replaced dairy products with soybeans, seafood, rice pasta, green tea and other traditional dishes for this country.

They are rich in proteins, minerals and vitamins, which are necessary for the health of the body.

Scientists are sure that it is precisely because of their special diet that the Japanese are the longest-living people on the planet.

The Japanese daily diet contains little sugar and fat, but a lot of fruits, vegetables, seafood, and fish.

Therefore, all the body's needs for important nutrients are met and the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and other chronic diseases is minimized.

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