Minister of Health and Welfare Xue Ruiyuan.

(file photo)

[Reporter Lu Yixuan/Taipei Report] The government has recently used the second reserve fund to prepare for the purchase of medical supplies for traumatic injuries. Does this arouse the attention of the outside world? Does it mean that it is preparing to go to war?

Minister of Health and Welfare Xue Ruiyuan said that he "has thought too much." Counting war preparations is a routine work that must be reviewed and corrected regularly.

Xue Ruiyuan also explained that these drugs are only a small part of the overall health insurance, and will not cause drug shortages.

Regarding the purchase of war preparation medicines with secondary reserves, Premier Chen Chien-jen pointed out that after the Russo-Ukraine war, the government realized that it was necessary to prepare relevant war preparation medical supplies under the circumstances of China’s continuous civil attacks and military intimidation.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare has also done a good job of planning, so the procurement, storage, and preparation of war preparation materials are actually quite complete. The government budget has been deliberated and approved by the Legislative Yuan, implemented according to law, and is subject to the supervision of the Congress.

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Minister of Health and Welfare Xue Ruiyuan attended the report of the Social Welfare, Health and Environment Committee of the Legislative Yuan today and prepared for inquiries. The joint visit before the meeting and the questioning of legislator Wen Yuxia both asked about this matter.

Xue Ruiyuan explained that in the past, regular stocktaking was carried out in response to the full-motion method. After the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian War last year, the Ministry of Health and Welfare took charge of coordinating various hospitals to take stock of war-ready medicines and health materials, including antibiotics, anesthetics, large bottles of drips, Antipyretic and antiemetic drugs, etc., while Eisai includes gauze, cotton, etc.

The reason for the increase is that the original preparations for war preparations were only for more than 10,000 people, but now they have increased to 100,000 people.

Wen Yuxia asked based on the number of soldiers?

Xue Ruiyuan said that when a war breaks out, there is no distinction between soldiers and civilians, and the needs are all counted together, expanding the preparation for 100,000 people.

As for whether this means preparing for war?

Xue Ruiyuan said, "I think too much." Counting war preparations is a routine job, and it must be reviewed or corrected regularly.

The use of reserves also does not circumvent legislative oversight.

Xue Ruiyuan also added that these medicines actually only account for a small part of the overall health insurance, so it will not cause a shortage of medicines.