The Labor Bureau of Zhongshi City will improve the work experience of young college students in Zhongshi City, and will provide 450 job opportunities in the public sector this summer.

(provided by the city)

[Reporter Su Jinfeng/Taichung Report] To improve the work experience of young college students in Taichung City, the Labor Bureau of Taichung City Government collects work-study job vacancies from various government agencies, and provides 450 public sector work-study opportunities for a period of two months during this summer vacation. Taichung college students who are more than 4 months old can sign up.

According to the Labor Bureau, it does not include students who have not yet enrolled, fresh graduates, air university students, air education college students, evening school students, advanced education students, life extension students, graduate students, and students who have participated in summer work-study in public departments; the work-study period starts from July 1 From August 31st to August 31st, the treatment is 26,400 yuan per month.

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Zhang Dachun, director of the Labor Bureau, said that through the summer work-study in the public sector, college students in Taichung City can not only obtain real wages and reduce financial burdens during the summer vacation, but also learn about the operation of the public sector, learn workplace-related skills, and serve the public. , Cultivate the correct concept of work in the workplace and enrich work knowledge.

This year’s summer work-study registration information has been announced on the official website of the Labor Bureau. The registration period for students with general status is from April 10 to April 14. Prepare relevant supporting documents. The registration period is from April 10 to April 21.

The Labor Bureau pointed out that in response to energy conservation and carbon reduction, this year’s public sector summer work-study program will adopt online registration. Relevant qualifications will be reviewed in writing, and it is scheduled to announce the admission list of work-study vacancies in various institutions before 5:00 pm on May 31.